Hallás utáni értés középfok (B2) – Where did Thomas Edison go on vacation?


Hallás utáni értés középfok (B2) - Where did Thomas Edison go on vacation? 

Letölthető tartalmak

1. Milyen munkája volt Edisonnak 12 éves korában és mennyire volt sikeres benne?

2. Milyen ötlete támadt emiatt?

3. Eközben mire volt még ideje?

4. Miért vesztette el az állását?

5. Milyen problémába ütközött a gyárában és milyen megoldást talált rá?

6. Mire kérte a felesége heteken át?

7. Milyen ürüggyl utasította el a kérést?

8. Miért ment másnap reggel a laboratóriumába?


Where did Thomas Edison go on vacation

Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric light and many other inventions, was well-known for his intensive concentration on work. At the age of twelve, he was hired to sell city newspapers and candy to people travelling by train. He sold more papers than all the other boys, but he wasn’t satisfied with his success and wanted to achieve more and he had an idea: he decided to write and sell copies of his own newspaper. That, however, didn’t keep him busy enough, during the same time he set up a small laboratory in the back of a baggage car of the train. One day an accident happened: while making an experiment, the young Edison spilled some chemicals that caused a fire and he lost his job.  

As an adult he was also tireless at work and he often had trouble understanding that not everyone shared his enthusiasm for work. Once, he noticed that his workers were constantly checking the factory clock during working hours. He came up with an original idea to change this habit. He installed many clocks throughout the factory, and made sure that each clock showed a different time. The employees were so confused that they gave up trying to figure out the correct time and turned their attention back to work.

Edison’s dedication to work showed itself not only at the laboratory and the factory but in his home as well. Once, when for several weeks his wife had been asking him to take a much-needed vacation, he finally replied that he couldn’t decide where to go. She then told him to pick the one place where he would like to be more than anywhere else on Earth. He agreed and said “I’ll go tomorrow.” Edison kept his word and the next morning he went directly to his laboratory. His passion for work was just as matchless as his genius for inventing things.


1. Újságot és cukrot árult a vonaton. Több újságot adott el, mint az összes többi fiú.
2. Saját újságot ír és azt árulja.
3. Arra, hogy a laboratóriumot állítson fel a vonaton (annak poggyászkocsijában).
4. Egy kísérlet során (kiöntött vegyszerrel) tüzet okozott.
5. A munkásai mindig a gyár óráját nézték a munkaidőben. Több órát szerelt fel a gyárban és mindegyik más időt mutatott. Ez összezavarta a munkásokat és nem nézegették többé az órát.
6. Arra, hogy menjen el szabadságra.
7. Nem tudja eldönteni, hova menjen.
8. Mert a felesége azt kérte, hogy válassza ki azt a helyet, ahol a legjobban szeretne lenni a világon.

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