Alapfokú hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladat megoldással.
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Milyen összefüggésben említik a szövegben a következőket? Válaszolj a kérdésekre magyarul, a megadott minta szerint!
A trip to France
0 |
Franciaország |
Ott nyaralt Martha. |
1 |
június |
2 |
jegyek |
3 |
Linda fia |
4 |
idősebb lánya |
5 |
kisebbik lánya |
6 |
a szállás ára és a szálláskeresés |
7 |
a szállás maga |
8 |
medence |
9 |
az ételek |
10 |
az emberek |
Alapfok (B1) hanganyag szövege:
A: Hi, Linda. How are you? Have you been on holiday this summer yet?
B: Fine, Mark. Yes, we have.
A: And where did you go?
B: We went to France.
A: What did you do there?
B: We saw two football matches in the Euro in June.
A: Really? I was also planning to go but I couldn’t get any tickets. Did all of you go? The whole family? B: Yes, all five of us went.
A: Did your children enjoy it?
B: Yes, very much. My son is a real football fan and my elder daughter plays football herself.
A: And your younger daughter?
B: Well, she plays basketball but she also enjoyed the matches very much. It was her first time abroad.
A: And where did you stay? I suppose prices of accommodation were very high at the time.
B: Actually, not so much. We were staying with local people through an Internet service.
A: What was it like?
B: We managed to find some really good places. In one of them there was even a swimming pool in the garden where the kids enjoyed playing in the water.
A: That’s great. Did you try French food as well?
B: Well, a bit of it. There were some nice restaurants and the food was really delicious.
And French people were really friendly. Maybe because my son speaks good French.
1. Két meccset néztek meg akkor a foci Eb-n.
2. Marknak nem sikerült jegyet szereznie.
3. Nagy focirajongó, jól beszél franciául.
4. Ő maga is focizik.
5. Kosárlabdázik, de ő is élvezte a focimeccseket, először járt külföldön.
6. Nem volt túl drága, interneten keresztül találták.
7. Helyieknél laktak, jó volt.
8. Az egyik helyen medence is volt, a gyerekek játszottak a vízben.
9. Finomak voltak.
10. Kedvesek voltak.