…, hogy mindig legyen süti:) – Cupcake automata New York-ban


Nyalánkság az automatából! A muffinjairól híres Sprinklers pékség rózsaszín sütiautomatát avatott New Yorkban.

That’s sweet! New York City bakery installs pink ATM that dispenses CUPCAKES instead of cash.

Sprinkles introduced its 24-hour cupcake cash machine on Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Tuesday. The company, which helped spawn the nationwide cupcake trend, has the ATMs in Beverly Hills, Atlanta, Chicago and Dallas.

New Yorkers will now have 24-hour access to the cupcakes that started the nationwide cupcake trend thanks to a new pink ATM that dispenses baked goods instead of cash. Sprinkles opened its cupcake ATM on Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Tuesday. While it’s the Big Apple’s inaugural ATM, Sprinkles has installed the brightly colored machines in Beverly Hills, Atlanta, Chicago and Dallas.

Customers may choose from flavors such as red velvet, peanut buttercup, lemon meringue and Cuban coffee. Up to four of the generously portioned treats may be purchased at one time. They cost $4.25 each. ‘Once a customer chooses a flavor they want, the robotic arm goes to that location, pulls the cupcake, keeps it level in its perfect little box and delivers it to the door and there you go,’ Mara Weber of Sprinkle Cupcakes told WCBS. Curious customers eager to see the strange machine lined up at its unveiling Tuesday to get a glimpse and a taste.


But there were plenty for everyone since the machines can hold an impressive 760 cupcakes. According to the Sprinkles Facebook page, some of those cupcakes will hide a major prize inside. They include one Amex gift card for $500, 100 gift cards for a dozen cupcakes, and a free Spinkles party in the bake shop’s party room.

source: Daily Mail

to install – üzembe helyezni, felszerelni, létesíteni, beszerelni
ATM – (automated-teller mahcine) pénzautomata, bank automata
to dispense – kiadni, kiosztani
CUPCAKE – muffin, minitorta
to introduce – bevezet, meghonosít, divatba hoz
to spawn – itt: elterjeszt, szétszór
nationwide – országos szintű, nemzeti
access to sg – hozzáférés valamihez
goods – termék, áru
inaugural – megnyitó, fölavató, egy sorozat első elemeként
flavor – íz
velvet – bársony
meringue – habos, habcsók (sült cukrozott tojáshab)
generously portioned – nagylelkűen méretezett, bőkezűen adagolt
treat – édesség, finomság, nyalánkág
to purchase – vásárolni, megvenni
eager to do sg – lelkes, hogy tegyen valamit, alig várja, hogy tehessen valamit
unveiling – leleplezés, felavatás
to get a glimpse – megpillantani
plenty – sok

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