A világító farkú lovak esete


Olvasd el és hallgasd meg, hogy miért szeretek LED lámpákat a lovak farkára! 

Tail Lights: The First LED Safety Lighting System For Horses

A company has invented the first LED safety lighting system for horses. Tail Lights are warning lights that drape through a horse’s tail to provide a safe and fashionable way to warn motorists of a horse and its rider. The company say that, based on initial tests, Tail Lights can be seen over a half mile away and allow the horse to be visible at almost any angle.

They are the brainchild of California-based Sami Gros, who developed the idea after her friend was almost killed when a car struck her horse. Sami explains: "Tail Lights was developed after I experienced a life-threatening accident while riding with a friend. Despite using reflective gear, the horse ridden by my friend was hit from behind by a car as we were approaching the barn around dusk. After failing to find a better product for equestrian safety, I designed and built Tail Lights, the first LED light source for horses. My goal is for all horses and their riders to be safe – all times and in any kind of weather."

Tail Lights consists of six water resistant LED lighting strips of variable lengths in the shape of a horse’s tail. The LED strands are attached to the base of the tail by a specially designed neoprene tail wrap. The lights do not emit heat and are water resistant and ergonomic, allowing for free movement of the tail, as well as make an attractive visual presence on the road. Tail Lights can be sized to fit all horses and the battery can be stowed in any cantle bag for easy access. The optional Tail Lights cantle bag will be large enough to store clothes, food or anything needed on the trail.

As well as safety applications, the company say Tail Lights could be used by rodeo riders or mounted police, with police only patterns utilising a blue and red colour scheme. Sami has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise the $100,000 needed to make her innovation widely available.

to invent – feltaláni
safety lighting – biztonsági világítás
to warn – figyelmeztetni
initial – kezdeti
visible – látható
angle – szög
brainchild – ötlet
life-threatening – életveszélyes
despite – valami ellenére
reflective gear  – fényvisszaverő felszerelés
dusk – alkonyat
to fail to do something – nem sikerül valami
to consist of – valamiből áll
water resistant – vízálló
variable – változtatható
to emit heat – hőt kibocsátani
battery – akkumulátor
cantle bag – nyeregtáska
mounted police – lovasrendőrség
pattern – minta, színkombináció
innovation – újítás
available – elérhető, kapható


Are these statements true or false?

1. Sami invented the tail lights because she had been hit by a car while riding her horse.

2. Tail lights are waterproof and battery-operated LED lights.

3. Tail lights are more effective than wearing reflective gear.

4. A tail light will make the horse visible at any angle.

5. Sami hopes to finance the production of the tail lights through a fund raising campaign.


answers: 1-F 2-T 3-T 4-F 5-T 

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