HÍREK A NAGYVILÁGBÓL: People in Japan are attending smiling lessons

A 2023 júliusi szám 7. oldalán található cikket olvashatod el itt, és a hanganyagot is meghallgathatod.

A recent poll by Japan’s public broadcaster NHK showed 55% of people were wearing masks just as often now as when government guidance was in place during the pandemic, with just 8% having stopped altogether.

People in Japan who became so used to wearing face masks during the pandemic are signing up for lessons to teach them how to smile again. While the coverings were already common in the east Asian country pre-COVID, with many using them to combat seasonal illnesses and hay fever, their use skyrocketed when it became official government guidance to wear them during the worst of the outbreak.

Many people wouldn’t be seen in public without a mask, with the practice becoming near-universal after the virus emerged more than three years ago.

With the government having finally lifted its recommendation to wear masks in March 2023, Himawari Yoshida was among those who realised they had rather forgotten how to go about life without them.

source: Sky News

Match the words with their synonyms.  

to emerge
to fight
to combat
to shoot up
to sign up
to exist
to skyrocket
to register
to be in place
to appear

 Key: 1-e, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c;  


poll közvéleménykutatás
to be in place érvényben lenni
pandemic világjárvány
to sign up beiratkozni
covering elfedés, maszk
common elterjedt
to combat küzdeni valami ellen
seasonal illness szezonális betegség
hay fever szénanátha, allergiás nátha
to skyrocket rohamosan megnőni
outbreak járvány
in public emberek közt, közösségben
near-universal majdnem általános
to emerge megjelenni
recommendation ajánlás
to go about life élni, folytatni az életet