Viagrát loptak a katonai bázisról


De mire használja a katonaság a kék pirulákat?! 

Thieves steal nearly £6,000 worth of VIAGRA and other medical supplies from RAF base

Thieves stole nearly £6,000 worth of VIAGRA and other medical supplies from an RAF base. The anti-impotence pills were pinched from RAF Marham in Norfolk. Bayonets, gun parts, ammunition and even an aircraft fuselage were also among items worth more than £7 million to be swiped from military bases across the country in less than seven years.

An MoD spokesman told The Times: "The MoD takes the loss of theft of equipment very seriously and works hard to detect and deter theft. Where theft does occur and a suspect is identified, prosecution or internal disciplinary action will follow as appropriate." The spokesman added: "Viagra has other medical uses – for example it is often used to treat low blood pressure and altitude sickness."


worth of – valamilyen értékű
medical supply – orvosi felszerelés
RAF = Royal Air Force – Brit Királyi Légierő
to pinch – csípni, szlengben csórni
ammunition – töltény
aircraft fuselage – repülőgéptörzs
to swipe – elcsenni
military base – katonai bázis
MoD = Ministry of Defence – Honvédelmi minisztérim
equipment – felszerelés
to deter – elriasztani, elrettenteni
to occur – megtörténik, történik
suspect – gyanúsított
prosecution – vádemelés
disciplinary action – fegyelmi eljárás
to treat – kezelni
low blood pressure – alacsony vérnyomás
altitude sickness – magassági betegség, hegyibetegség

True or false?

1. Medical supplies were stolen from several military bases.

2. In the past seven years items worth £7 million got swiped from RAF bases.

3. The police already have a suspect.

4. The spokesman claimed Viagra is used for treating low blood pressure and altitude sickness.

5. It is possible that the items were stolen by soldiers.

answers: 1-F 2-T 3-F 4-T 5-T

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