Zombikkal a jobb közbiztonságért:)


Amerikában a rendőrség zombikkal hívja fel a figyelmet az autófeltörésekre. Érdekes ötlet :)

Police use zombies to scare public into protecting their vehicles

A police force has enlisted the help of zombies to scare members of the public into locking their car doors. The LAPD drew inspiration from the hit TV show The Walking Dead to create the public service video.

Despite its low budget and dodgy dialogue, the seven-minute film has already proven to be a hit online, with 15,000 people having viewed Invasion of the Zombie Bandits on YouTube. The clip features a legion of zombies smashing into cars and stealing valuables, while a couple sit inside their home worrying about their ‘baby’, which turns out to be an iPad. The man inside screams for his partner to call 911 but his tablet has already been stolen.

Captain Jeffrey Bert later emerges to warn viewers about protecting their vehicles as part of the inventive campaign.

source: www.metro.co.uk

to enlist the help of – segítségül hív valakit
members of the public – a nagyközönség
inspiration – ihlet
public service – közcélú
despite – valami ellenére
low budget – alacsony költségvetés
dodgy – itt gyenge, gyanús
dialogue – párbeszéd
to feature – valaki szerepel benne
to smash – összetörni, zúzni
valuables – értékek, értéktárgyak
couple – pár
to turn out – valami kiderül
to scream – visítani, sikítani
to emerge – felbukkanni
to warn someone about something – figyelmeztetni valakit valamire
viewer – néző

1. The zombie attack advertises a new film.

2. The police warn people about car burglary.

3. The quality of the video is good.

4. The zombies want to steal a baby.

5. The aim of the video is to remind people to lock their cars.

answers: 1-F 2-T 3-F 4-F 5-T

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