Gyakoroljuk a képleírást alapfokon.

In the picture, a young woman and a little girl are having a good time. They are sitting on a sofa and they are making music. The little girl is playing the drum and the young woman is playing the ukulele. They may be a mother and daughter or sisters or even a music teacher and her young student. Kids usually like music and love to sing songs. Trying all sorts of musical instruments can help them to find which musical instrument is the best for them. The most popular musical instruments among kids are the guitar, the piano and the drum. Life would be really boring without music. Most people listen to music all the time. Some people like classical music but pop and rock music are more popular than classical music. When my parents were younger they used to listen to music on the radio or had tapes and records and later CDs. Nowadays people generally listen to music online or use applications like Spotify. Live concerts are also popular, but the tickets are almost always very expensive for the events. In summer young people sometimes attend music festivals where they can listen to famous stars and groups from abroad.


drum dob
musical instrument hangszer
tape magnókazetta
record hanglemez