Lecke és feladat érzelmekkel kapcsolatos kifejezésekkel.
to brighten up
definition: to become happier or more excited
in Hungarian: felvidul
example: Mary brightened up a little when she saw her friends coming to visit her at the hospital. – Mary egy kicsit felvidult, amikor látta, hogy jönnek a barátai meglátogatni a kórházban.
to cheer somebody up
definition: to make somebody feel less sad
in Hungarian: felvidítani valakit
example: You look miserable. I’ll cheer you up! What about going to the cinema tonight? – Szörnyen nézel ki. Majd én felvidítalak. Mit szólnál egy mozihoz ma este?
to break down in tears
definition: to lose control of oneself and begin crying
in Hungarian: könnyekre fakad
example: The groom broke down in tears as the bride entered the church. – A vőlegény könnyekre fakadt, amikor a menyasszony belépett a templomba.
to calm down
definition: to become quiet and relaxed after you have been angry, excited, nervous or upset
in Hungarian: lenyugodni, megnyugodni
example: Calm down, take a seat and tell me what’s happened. – Nyugodj le, ülj le, és meséld el, hogy mi történt.
to tear somebody apart
definition: to make someone feel extremely unhappy or upset
in Hungarian: megvisel valakit valami
example: Seeing Susie in such an awful situation really tore him apart. – Az, hogy Susiet ilyen szörnyű helyzetben látta nagyon megviselte.
to get carried away
definition: to be so excited, angry, interested that you are no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget everything else
in Hungarian: elragadtatja magát
example: Not everyone was carried away by the news that our team had won. – Nem mindenki volt elragadtatva, hogy a mi csapatunk nyert.
to feel for somebody
definition: to feel sympathy for someone
in Hungarian: együtt érezni valakivel
example: I know what it’s like, I really feel for you. – Tudom milyen ez, teljesen együtt érzek veled.
to pull oneself together
definition: to force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way
in Hungarian: összeszedi magát
example: Pull yourself together! It’s not the end of the world. – Szedd össze magad, ez nem a világvége.
to get over
definition: to begin to feel better after a very upsetting experience
in Hungarian: túl jutni valamin, túlteszi magát valamin
example: She never got over the death of her friend.- Soha nem jutott túl a barátja halálán.
to burst out laughing
definition: to suddenly start to laugh
in Hungarian: nevetésben tört ki
example: After he told the joke, everyone burst out laughing. – Miután elmondta a viccet, mindenki nevetésben tört ki.
to open up
definition: to stop being shy and say what you really think
in Hungarian: megynyílik, már nem szégyellősködik
example: Last night was the first time that Mary had opened up about her feelings.- Tegnap először Mary megnyílt és elmondta az érzéseit.
to fall out
definition: to have a quarrel
in Hungarian: veszekedni, balhézni
example: Beth is always falling out with everyone.- Beth állandóan veszekszik mindenkivel.
I. Pick the correct phrasal verb.
1. Luke couldn’t ……………….. his friend’s death.
a) get over
b) break down in tears
2. Jim ……………….. when he saw Daisy approaching.
a) felt for
b) brightened up
3. The supporters ……………….. by the easy victory.
a) got carried away
b) fell out
4. The divorce is ……………….. . I wish it was over.
a) getting carried away
b) tearing my mom apart
5. Children, too need ……………….. when they have a bad day.
a) bursting out laughing
b) cheering up
6. Call the police and ……………….. so you can tell them everything.
a) calm down
b) fall out
7. Jim is a great friend but he’s a bit slow to ……………….. .
a) feel for
b) open up
8. I know you had a hard time but you must ……………….. .
a) pull yourself together
b) calm down
9. When Louisa heard the news, she ……………….. .
a) got carried away
b) broke down in tears
10. Hardly anybody phones him these days. Grandad has ……………….. with all the family.
a) opened up
b) fallen out
11. I was really embarrassed. I ……………….. during my sister’s wedding ceremony.
a) cheered up
b) burst out laughing
12. She is too sensitive to work as a hospital nurse. She ……………….. all the patients.
a) feels for
b) tears apart
answers: 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-b 8-a 9-b 10-b 11-b 12-a