A csirkék esete az idősek otthonában


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’Hensioners’ prove They Aren’t Chicken

A group of ‘hensioners’ are taking part in an innovative project that has seen them paired up with chickens. The aim of the HenPower initiative is to help people – and particularly men – who are part of assisted living schemes to feel more engaged.

The 18-month long project has seen men and women from Gateshead equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to care for their very own hen. As part of this participants have been involved in designing their own hen house, choosing which hens they like, learning how to care for them and how to rear chicks.

One of the main aims of HenPower is to encourage older people – with an emphasis on men – who live in supported housing to access activities which are socially engaging and relevant to them. And it has proven to be such a success that there are now hopes to roll out the initiative across the country.

The Gateshead groups, who have affectionately become known as ‘hensioners’, have even started running ‘hen road shows’. This sees them take their learning to other older people and share with them first-hand their chicken related experiences.

Douglas Hunter, Director of Equal Arts, who manages the project, says: "The project aims to improve the quality of life for older people and particularly older men who may be isolated or lonely. Older men’s first experience of care settings is often during a crises point. We want this to change and for older men to feel empowered and confident about any transition to living with care".

to take part in – részt venni valamiben
innovative – újító, innovatív
paired up with – párosítva lenni valamivel
aim of – valaminek a célja
particularly – különösen, főleg
assisted living scheme – idősek otthona (önellátó)
engaged – foglalt, elfoglalt
equipped with – valamivel felszerelt
skill – szakértelem
knowledge – tudás
to care for – gondoskodni
as part of this – ennek részeként
participant – résztvevő
to be involved in – részt venni valamiben
to rear – tenyészt
to encourage – bátorítani
emphasis – hangsúly, kihangsúlyozás
supported housing – idősek otthona (önellátó)
to access – elérni valamit, hozzáférni
socially engaging – társaságot vonzó
relevant – releváns, vonatkozó
to prove to be – bebizonyosodni, hogy
to roll out – kiterjeszteni
affectionately – szeretettel
first-hand – első kézből
… related – …-val/-vel kapcsolatos
experience(s) – tapasztalat(ok)
to improve – fejlődni, fejleszteni
to feel empowered – felhatalmazva lenni
confident – magabiztos
transition – átmenet

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