A legkisebb is számít … :)


Hárman mentek vásárolni a Tesco-ba, négyen mentek haza ... még jó, hogy a személyzet segített a kismamának világrahozni a gyermekét! 

Mum gives birth in Tesco with supermarket staff helping to deliver baby girl

A pregnant mum went shopping at Tesco with her two children and left with an extra mouth to feed after giving birth in the store. She went into labour two weeks early and supermarket staff helped deliver 6lb 6oz Demi just 50 minutes later.

StunnedChanelle said: “I never dreamed I’d be leaving holding my new-born baby girl in my arms.”

Her contractions began as she was about to leave the shop with Alfie, four, and 15-month-old Frankie. Produce manager Natasha Hunt relayed phone instructions from paramedics as counters team leader Rachel Wright delivered Demi.

Rachel called it “the most wonderful experience ever”.

Chanelle, who returned yesterday to thank the staff at the store in Rainham, Essex, said Rachel was her “guardian angel”. She added: “Without the Tesco staff, I don’t know what I would have done.”

source: Metro

to give birth – szülni, életet adni
staff – személyzet
to deliver (a baby) – világra segíteni egy babát, levezetni a szülést
pregnant – terhes
to feed – etetni
to go into labour – valakinél megindul a szülés
stunned – megrökönyödött
new-born – újszülött
contraction – (méh)összehúzódás, szülési fájdalom
to be about to – azon lenni, hogy
to relay – közvetíteni
instruction – instrukció, útmutató
paramedic – rohammentős
to add – hozzátesz, hozzáad

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