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Intelligence quotient, is a score ….. from one of several standardized tests designed to ….. an individual’s intelligence.
IQ is obtained by ….. a person’s mental age score, by their chronological age and the fraction is ….. by 100 to obtain the IQ score.
Today, IQ test scores are calculated by ….. the test taker’s score to the scores of people in the same age group.
There are many kinds of IQ tests with a ….. of items.
….. 68% of the population has an IQ between 85 and 115.
The average ….. between 70 and 130, and ….. about 95% of the population.
Have you ever ….. your intelligence quotient?
You have to take a ….. so that we can decide which course you should go to.
Einstein made many ….. to the field of theoretical physics.
Albert Einstein worked in a ….. office not long after his graduation.
He produced perhaps one of the most famous equations ever: energy ….. mass multiplied by the speed of light …… .
He ….. out of school at 15 and ….. the entrance exam for polytechnic for the first time.
His professors thought that he was ….. but much too pleased with himself, and some doubted that he would ever ….. .
Tom is a journalist, with an extremely ….. mind.
He was a ….. person, famed for his wisdom.
Although her EQ is not at the top, Sue’s very ….. .
You’re intelligent enough to show your boss that IQ alone is not enough, EQ also ….. .
Tom’s getting on everybody’s nerve, he’s a such ….. .
The situation is getting more and more ….. but something should be ….. .
I’ll be ….. my fingers for you during your job interview.