The heir to the British crown has arrived

Megszületett a brit trónörökös! Infografikával, cikkel és szószedettel.

The baby that the whole world, and especially Great Britain was impatiently waiting for, has finally arrived. The royal baby, whose gender and name had been kept secret until the very last minute, is a boy born at 4:24 pm, on 22 July, 2013 and weighed 8lbs 6oz. The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her first child in the £10,000-a-baby Lindo wing of St Mary’s Hospital, where her husband, Prince William was also born. The royal baby was delivered by the Queen’s gynecologists, Alan Farthing and Marcus Setchell and supposedly not even Kate or William knew in advance whether to expect a boy or a girl. Not that the gender of the baby really mattered. Thanks to the Succession to the Crown Act passed in April, Kate and William’s first-born is to inherit the throne one day. And concerning the proud parents, both of them have already proved that they are a family-focused couple during Kate’s pregnancy. They spent a lot of time with the Middletons, including their first Christmas as a married couple, hoping to have both sides of the family involved in the future heir’s life. 

impatiently – türelmetlenül
gender – nem 
to keep a secret – titkot tartani
to be delivered by – valaki által világra segítve lenni
gynecologist – nőgyógyász
supposedly – állítólag
to matter – számít
to inherit – örököl
to concern – illet
proud – büszke
to prove – bizonyít
pregnancy – terhesség
to involve – magával von, belemerül, bevon

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