Just naturally – elementary vocabulary practice with nature around us


Csak természetesen - alapfokú szókincsellenőrző feladat a körülöttünk levő természettel, szószedettel.

Choose the right answer:

1)      Their favorite sport is skiing because they love ……….. .
a)      deserts
b)      mountains
c)      plains

2)      We had lunch outside on our ………. today because the weather was wonderful.
a)      field
b)      lawn
c)      meadow

3)      There was no rain for weeks so the ………. is not as green as it usually is.
a)      grass
b)      leaves
c)      plants

4)      We picked a basket of berries from the ………. in front of our house.
a)      branches
b)      bushes
c)      hedge

5)      They have a beautiful little ………. with goldfish in the backyard.
a)      sea
b)      pond
c)      puddle

6)      There was a huge vase of ………. on the dining room table.
a)      buds
b)      leaves
c)      flowers

7)      I always walk my dogs in the nearby ………. .
a)      rainforest
b)      jungle
c)      woods

8)      My favorite season is spring because everything is in ………. .
a)      green
b)      bloom
c)      flowers

9)      Let’s lie in the grass and watch the fluffy ……….. in the sky.
a)      stars
b)      planets
c)      clouds

10)   It’s always windier on a plain than in a ………. .
a)     valley
b)     stream
c)     lake

Answers: 1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) b, 5) b, 6) c, 7) c, 8) b, 9) c, 10) a

desert – sivatag
mountain – hegy, hegység
plain – síkság, alföld
field – mező, pálya
lawn – pázsit
meadow – rét
grass – fű
leaf – levél
plant – növény
branch – ág
bush – bokor
hedge – sövény
sea – tenger
pond – halastó, tavacska
puddle – pocsolya
bud – rügy, bimbó
flower – virág
rainforest – esőerdő
jungle – dzsungel
woods – erdő
bloom – virágzás, rügyezés
star – csillag
planet – bolygó
cloud – felhő
valley – völgy
stream – patak, kis folyó
lake – tó


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