Hasznos párbeszéd: Asking the teacher for exam help

A következő párbeszédben megtanulunk segítséget kérni a vizsgához angolul.


Teacher: Good morning, Tim. Did you come to see me about the Geometry exam?
Student: Good morning, Miss Larson. Yes. I would like to see my exam paper.
Teacher: I’m sorry it didn’t go too well.
Student: I’m not happy with it either. I would like to sit the exam again next week.
Teacher: Based on your performance in class I expected a better mark.
Student: That’s why I’d like to retake the exam.
Teacher: It seems that the first part went really well, then you skipped a whole page.
Student: Have I?
Teacher: Have a look. It’s all blank.
Student: How strange. I don’t remember this page at all.
Teacher: The last two pages were OK, but not brilliant.
Student: Gosh. I can’t believe I just skipped a whole page. What a silly mistake to make.
Teacher: You must always double-check your work before you hand it in. I suggest that you revise the last two topics and come back next Thursday.
Student: Thank you, Miss. Can you recommend some extra practice exercises?
Teacher: You can print out last year’s exam paper from my blog. The solutions are in another file.
Student: Thank you again, Miss.


Did you come to see me about the exam? – A vizsga miatt jött hozzám?
I would like to see my exam paper.
– Szeretném látni a vizsgadolgozatomat.
I’m sorry it didn’t go too well.
– Sajnálom, de nem sikerült túl jól.
I’m not happy with it either. – Én sem vagyok vele megelégedve.
I would like to sit the exam again.
– Szeretnék még egyszer vizsgázni.
Based on you performance in class … .
– Az órai teljesítménye alapján … .
That’s why … Ezért …
It seems … Úgy tűnik …
You skipped a whole page.
– Egy teljes oldalt kihagyott.
It’s all blank. – Teljesen üres.
How strange.
– Milyen különös.
– A csudába!/A mindenit!,
I can’t believe I just skipped a whole page.
– Nem hiszem el, hogy kihagytam egy teljes oldalt.
What a silly mistake to make.
– Micsoda egy ostoba hiba!
You must always double-check your work.
– Mindig kétszer kell átnézni a munkáját.
Can you recommend some extra practice exercises?
– Tudna ajánlani extra gyakorlófeladatokat?


Geometry – geometria
exam paper
– vizsgalap, dolgozat
to sit an exam
– vizsgázni
based on something
– valamire alapozva
– teljesítmény
to expect – várni, számítani valamire
better mark
jobb jegy
to retake an exam
– újravizsgázni
to skip something
– kihagyni/átugrani valamit
– egész