Nem tudom te hogy vagy ezzel, de én ebben a szép időben én szinte egész nap csak kint lennék a szabadban! Tegnap délután is tettünk egy sétát a Margitszigeten – amíg Artúr úszott – mi üldögéltünk a napon. (Frida igazából rögtön el is alszik, amit kimegyünk a szabadba: ), utána pedig még elmentem egy kicsit biciklizni is.
Ma tovább folytatjuk a zenés leckéinket, és ismét meghallgatunk egy dalt a Queentől, mégpedig az I want to break free című számot.
Jó tanulást!
Having featured in serious music videos, the band decided to do a parody. The music video "I Want to Break Free", directed by David Mallet, was a spoof of the northern British soap opera Coronation Street.
During part of the video, the band members dressed in drag, the idea of which came from Roger Taylor, as mildly similar characters found in the soap at the time. Mercury’s character was loosely based on Bet Lynch, while May’s character was based on Hilda Ogden. The video also depicted the band in what appeared to be a coal mine in their normal look, and it also features a ballet piece choreographed by Wayne Eagling with the Royal Ballet, for which Freddy Mercury shaved his trademark moustache (though he had kept it for the parody part of the video).
According to Brian May in an interview about Queen’s Greatest Hits, the video ruined the band in America, where many people – unlike the case in the UK – failed to see the soap-opera connection and interpreted the video as an open declaration of transvestitism and Mercury’s homosexuality.
The song, a hit in the UK where it went to number three, only managed to reach number forty-five on Billboard. The video was initially banned by MTV in the U.S., but the ban was lifted in 1991 when it aired on VH1’s My Generation two-part episode devoted to Queen hosted by guitarist Brian May. The song received renewed attention when it was used in a media advertising campaigns for Coca-Cola and Safeway.
spoof – átverés, svindli
northern British – észak brit
soap opera – szappanopera
dressed in drag – nőnek öltözött
loosely based on – nagyvonalakban …-on alapszik
depicted – ábrázolt
trademark moustache – védjegyévé vált bajusz
to ruin – tönkretesz
declaration of – valaminek a kinyilatkoztatása
initially – kezdetben
banned – betiltott
the lift a ban – megszünteti a tiltást
devoted to – … – nak szentelt
renewed attention – megújult figyelem
I want to break free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You’re so self satisfied I don’t need you
I’ve got to break free
God knows God knows I want to break free
I’ve fallen in love
I’ve fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it’s for real
I’ve fallen in love yeah
God knows God knows I’ve fallen in love
It’s strange but it’s true
I can’t get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free baby
Oh how I want to be free
Oh how I want to break free
But life still goes on
I can’t get used to living without living without
Living without you by my side
I don’t want to live alone hey
God knows got to make it on my own
So baby can’t you see
I’ve got to break free
I’ve got to break free
I want to break free yeah
I want I want I want I want to break free….
lie – hazugság
self-satisfied – önelégült
to fall in love – beleszeretni valakibe
to get over – túlteszi magát valamin
to go on – megy tovább, folytatódik
to get used to + ing – hozzászokik valamihez