2005.09.09 – 5 IDIOMS

  5 perc Angol online magazin 2005. szeptember 9. Szia! Heti utolsó levelünkben néhány hasznos idiómát küldök mondatokkal és magyarázatokkal, valamint találsz egy viccet is a tananyag mellett. Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!Üdv,Nóri www.5percangol.hu 5 IDIOMS on the dot: exactly at a given time = pontosan akkor"We’re leaving at 9:00 on the dot. If
5 perc Angol online magazin 2005. szeptember 9.


Heti utolsó levelünkben néhány hasznos idiómát küldök mondatokkal és magyarázatokkal, valamint találsz egy viccet is a tananyag mellett.

Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!



on the dot: exactly at a given time = pontosan akkor
"We’re leaving at 9:00 on the dot. If you’re late, we’ll go without you."

on time: at the scheduled time = id?ben
"It’s getting late. You’d better hurry if you want to get to work on time."

(on the) cutting edge: using the most recent technology = a legújabb technológia használata(-ával)
"The university’s computer lab is (on the) cutting edge. It has all the latest hardware and software."

once in a while: occasionally; from time to time = alkalmanként
A: "Would you like coffee or tea?"
B: "Coffee, please. I drink tea once in a while, but I generally drink coffee."

over one’s head: too difficult or complicated for someone to understand = "magas" valami valakinek, nehezen érthet?
"This explanation of cgi scripting is over my head.
Can you explain it in a less technical way?"


At a posh Las Vegas casino, a blackjack dealer and a player with a 13 count in his hand are arguing about whether or not it is appropriate to tip the dealer. The player says, "When I get bad cards, it’s not the dealer’s fault. Accordingly, when I get good cards, the dealer obviously has nothing to do with that either, so why should I tip him?"

The dealer replies, "When you eat at a restaurant do you tip the waiter?"

"Yes," the gambler concedes.

"Well then, he serves you food; whether it’s good or bad isn’t up to him. By the same token, I’m serving you cards, so you should tip me."

"OK," says the gambler, "but the waiter gives me what I ask for.I’ll take an 8."

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