Ma egy olyan témát fogunk megnézni, ami sok gyerek életét megkeseríti nemcsak Angliában, hanem világszerte. (Angliában viszont rengeteget foglalkoznak azzal, hogy ezt megfékezzék és visszaszorítsák.) Ennek a jelenségnek a neve "bullying". Hogy mit is jelent ez, az az olvasmányból (és a videoclipb?l) kiderül!
Jó tanulást, Üdv, Nóri
A bully is an individual who tends to torment others, either through verbal harassment or physical assaults, or through more subtle methods of coercion.
We all know that bullying goes on in every school but it’s the way it’s dealt with which makes the difference between life being tolerable or a misery. Bullies are very cunning and are expert at getting away with it.
Bullying includes
- People calling you names
- Making things up to get you into trouble
- Hitting, pinching, biting, pushing and shoving
- Taking things away from you
- Damaging your belongings
- Stealing your money
- Taking your friends away from you
- Spreading rumours
- Threats and intimidation
- Making silent or abusive phone calls
- Sending you offensive phone texts
- Posting insulting messages on the internet or by IM
Bullies can also frighten you so that kids don’t want to go to school, so that you pretend to be ill to avoid them.
Cast: Three girls. Scene: Empty street. Three girls are walking together on their way home from school. One is reading a message on her phone.
3rd girl: What does it say? 2nd girl: It just says ‘Phone me.’ 1st girl impersonating 2nd girl: Ooooh! Phone me! 3rd girl: Your Mum? 2nd girl: Yeah. 1st girl: Sad! 2nd girl: I think my tea’s ready! 1st girl impersonating 2nd girl: My tea’s ready! 2nd girl (upset): Don’t right! 1st girl impersonating 2nd girl laughing: Don’t right!
Action: Third girl laughs.
2nd girl: Don’t you laugh!
Action: The first girl snatches unsuccessfully at the mobile.
1st girl: Give me that! 2nd girl: No. 1st girl: I want it. 2nd girl: I just bought it. 1st girl: Give it here. 2nd girl to 3rd girl: No. Tell her. 3rd girl surprised: What? Me? What’s with you two?
Action: The first girl pushes the 2nd girl roughly.
2nd girl: Ouch!
Action: The 1st girl takes the mobile.
1st girl: Got it. 2nd girl talking about her head: That hurt! 1st girl insincere: Sorry!
Action: The 3rd girl seems worried. The 1st girl notices.
1st girl: What’s with you?
Action: The 1st girl tries to restrain the 2nd girl in scuffle.
2nd girl crying to 3rd girl: Ouch! Help me!
Action: Close up on 3rd girls face. She is very anxious and uncertain.
abusive phone calls anxious belongings cunning in a scuffle individual insincere insulting message intimidation methods of coercion misery offensive physical assault silent subtle surprised threat to avoid to be expert at sth to be worried to bite to call sb names to damage sth to frighten to get away with sth to get sb into trouble to hit to impersonate sb to include to notice to pinch to pretend to do sth to push to restrain to shove to spread rumours to tend to do sth to torment tolerable uncertain verbal harrasment
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