President Chavez dies


Meghalt a venezuelai elnök, Hugo Chavez. Szószedettel, audióval és infografikai ismertetővel.

Venezuela’s socialist president Hugo Chavez has died after a two-year battle with cancer, it was revealed last night. The flamboyant leader, 58, had four operations in Cuba, home of his communist pal Fidel Castro. He flew home last month and had not been seen in public since. Nicolas Maduro, the South American country’s vice president, announced the death, saying: “It’s a moment of deep pain.” Dictator Chavez, who ruled for 14 years, outraged Brits by claiming the Falklands should be returned to Argentina. He hated the US and ordered American diplomats out after accusing them of trying to destabilise the country. His death from the cancer — which began in his pelvis — will spark an election. It was announced just hours after Maduro accused Venezuela’s “imperialist enemies” of infecting Chavez.


battle – harc, küzdelem, csata
to reveal – felfedni, feltárni
flamboyant – (szín)pompás, szenvedélyes, feltűnő
leader – vezető
pal – haver, cimbora
in public – nyilvánosságban
vice president – alelnök
to announce – bejelenteni, kihírdetni
deep pain – mély fájdalom
to rule – uralkodni, kormányozni
to outrage – felháborítani
to claim – állítani
to return – visszaadni
to order out – kiparancsolni/utasítani
to accuse – megvádolni
to destabilise – destabilizálni

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