A tökéletes vendégváró falatok, amivel átvészelhetjük a tél utolsó napjait. Videóval és szószedettel, íme a camambert-es és pármai sonkás finomság receptje.
How to Make Baked Camambert and Parma Ham Breadsticks
This recipe is a great dish to share with a friend or loved one. Chef Gee Charman shares her recipe on how to bake up a camembert with the beautiful tastes of rosemary and lemon.
Scoop up the beautifully gooey cheese with tasty little Parma ham wrapped bread sticks for a terrific taste sensation.
You will need:
1 small ripe camembert in a box
a few rosemary sprigs
zest of 1 lemon
2 tbsp white wine
1 tbsp olive oil
black pepper
8 bread sticks
4 slices of Parma ham
Step 1: Prepare The Camembert
Preheat your oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Remove the camembert from its box and discard any wrapping or stickers which might be on the cheese. Cut out a circle in baking paper slightly bigger than your camembert and place it back in the box, then place your camembert on top. Using a sharp knife make a few holes in the top of the cheese.
Step 2: Add Rosemary And Bake
Place your rosemary into the slits and grate some zest of a lemon over the top. Carefully pour some white wine over the top of the camembert and season with some black pepper. Finally drizzle over some olive oil. Place onto a baking tray and bake for 10 minutes until the cheese is gooey and squidgy to the touch.
Step 3: Parma Ham Bread Sticks
While your cheese is cooking prepare your bread sticks. Heat a griddle pan on a medium to high heat. Cut your Parma ham into half and then quarters and wrap around your mini bread sticks. Place them on the hot griddle pan and cook on one side for 1-2 minutes on one side before turning them over and leaving to cook on the other side for another couple of minutes. Remove from the heat and serve with you baked camembert.
rosemary – rozmaring
to scoop up – (fel)kanalazni/lapátolni/nyalábolni
gooey – nyúlós, ragacsos
tasty – finom, ízletes
to wrap – becsomagolni, begöngyölni
terrific – remek, nagyszerű
ripe – érett
sprig – ágacska, gally
lemon zest – citromhéj, íz
to preheat – előmelegíteni
to remove – eltávolítani
to discard – kidobni
wrapping – csomagolás
sticker – matrica
baking paper – sütőpapír
slightly – enyhén, kissé
to place back – visszahelyezni/rakni
slit – rés, vágás, hasíték
to grate – reszelni
carefully – óvatosan
to pour – önteni
to season – fűszerezni
to drizzle – csepegtetni
baking tray – sütőtepsi
squidgy – puha, szaftos, ruganyos
to the touch – érintésre
griddle pan – grillserpenyő
to turn over – átfordítani