How To Do a British Accent

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How To Do A British Accent

The beloved British accent is within reach of the non-British at last! Use your sultry new voice to get all the girlfriends you ever wanted, or to ensnare that hot British guy next door.

Hello, I’m Gareth Jameson! I’m an actor and a voice coach from

Here are some tips for working on your voice. Now, you might want to do a British accent because you’re in a play, or maybe you want to impress your friends or maybe you want to fit in better in the UK. Whatever the reason, playing with accents is a great way to work out your voice and speech.

Now, the key to every accent is to isolate the sounds that are specific to that accent. So we’re going to start with the British "r" sound. Now, when I’m saying "British", I actually mean the sounds used in the very south part of England, the received pronunciation accent you might hear on the BBC.

So let’s look at this sentence: "Are there more birds?" Are there more birds? Despite there being an "r" – letter r – in all of those words, you don’t hear the "r" sound. Are there more birds? Now change it to "Are there any birds?" Suddenly, you hear the "r" at the word, at the end of the word, "there". Are there any birds? That’s because we’ve put an "any", which has a vowel sound at the beginning. Are there any birds?

Now listen to these: daughter, brother, shopper. Don’t make the mistake of having a big, huge vowel sound at the end of those words: daughter, brother, shopper. A lot of people trying a British accent do that. You need a tiny sound. "Daughter, brother, shopper".

Now, another feature of this British accent is that we have different vowel sounds for "hot" and "dog" than we do in "talk" and "law". That’s "hot dog" and "talk, law". Try this sentence out: "Do you talk froth or are hot dogs against the law?"

My final tip for this British accent is for you to make sure you keep your vowel sounds very small when they’re short vowels. So that’s "pit", "put", "pet", "putt", "pot" – keep it really tight. We want them "pit", "put", "pet", "putt", "pot". 

That’s only a few features from the British accent – of course, there are many more and waht I’m saying doesn’t apply to every speaker of a British accent. 

If you want to find out more about accents and how you can look after your voice and speech, go to "".

beloved – közkedvelt
accent – kiejtés
within reach – elérhető
at last –  végre
sultry –  fülledt
to ensnare – elcsábít
coach – edző
to impress – jó benyomást tenni
to fit in – beilleszkedni
reason – ok
to work out – edzeni
speech – beszéd
key – kulcs
to isolate – elszigetelni/ elkülöníteni
specific – sajátos
received – elfogadott/ általános
despite something – valami ellenére
letter – betű
to change – megváltoztatni
suddenly – hirtelen
vowel – magánhangzó
make a mistake – hibát elkövetni
huge – óriási
to try – (ki/meg)próbálni
to need – szükséged lenni valamire
tiny – apró
feature – vonás
different – más
than – mint
froth – üres fecsegés
against the law – törvényellenes
to make sure – biztosra menni/ megbizonyosodni valamiről
to keep – (meg)tartani
pit – gödör
to pat – paskolni
putt – gördítés
to notice – észrevenni
tight – feszes/ szoros
to apply to somebody – vonatkozni valakire
to look after something – gondját viselni valaminek