Housekeeping jobs (interview and first day at work)


Ebben a rövid összeállításban két párbeszédet hallgathatsz meg takarítással kapcsolatban. Az első egy állásinterjú, a második pedig az első nap a munkában.

Interview for a housekeeper’s job

az audiókat itt hallgathatod meg:

House Owner: Good morning! Thank you for coming today. Have you applied for the housekeeper position?
Lady: Good morning, Sir. Yes, I saw the vacancy advertised in the paper.
House Owner:Well, we are looking for a housekeeper to work 6 days a week with Sundays off. The job includes doing some cleaning around the house as well as some washing, ironing and preparing meals.
Lady:That sounds great. Is this a live in position?
House Owner:Yes, we will provide you with a room and also your meals. The day starts at 8am with an hour lunch break and the working day ends at 5pm. Do you have any references?
Lady:Yes, here they are. I have a reference from my last employer and also a reference from the college where I got my certificate.
House Owner:They look good, when can you start?
Lady:I can start straight away!

First Day at Work

Maid: Good morning, Sir
House owner: Good morning Miss Carpenter.
Maid: Can you show me where you keep the cleaning supplies I’ll need, please?
House owner: Yes, of course. We keep the cleaning equipment in the laundry room, next to the kitchen. You will find cloths and dusters and the vacuum cleaner in there.
Maid: Where do I take the rubbish?
House owner: You empty the rubbish into the bin over there. It is emptied once a week.
Maid: And the linen?
House owner: The linen for making up the beds is kept in the cupboard at the top of the stairs. The sheets and bed covers should be changed once a week.
Maid: Thank you, Sir.
House owner: If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to ask me!


Have you applied for the housekeeper position? – Ön jelentkezett a bejárónői állásra?
I saw the vacancy advertised in the paper.  – Az újságban láttam a meghirdetett állást.
Is this a live in position? – Ez egy bentlakásos állás?
We will provide you with a room and also you meals.  – Szobát és étkezést biztosítunk Önnek.
Do you have any references? – Vannak referenciái?
I can start straight away! – Azonnal tudok kezdeni.
Can you show me where you keep the cleaning supplies I’ll need, please? – Meg tudná kérem mutatni, hogy hol tartják a takarító felszereléseket?
Where do I take the rubbish? – Hova viszem ki a szemetet?
It is emptied once a week.  – Hetente egyszer ürítik ki.
Bed covers should be changed once a week.  – Az ágytakarókat heti egyszer kell kicserélni.
If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to ask me!  – Ha lenne még kérdése, ne habozzon feltenni őket nekem!