That’s a pocket dictionary! – World’s smallest dictionary needs magnifying glasses to read

Nemrég kelt el árverésen a világ legkisebb angol szótára! Mit gondolsz hány szócikket tartalmaz ez a mini könyvecske?

That’s a pocket dictionary! – World’s smallest dictionary needs magnifying glasses to read

The miniature dictionary measures just 1in by 0.75in and contains 13,000 words over 384 pages.

The miniature book was kept inside a tiny metal tin. The volume, titled Bryce’s English Dictionary after Glaswegian printer David Bryce, was published in 1890 and is thought to be one of only a few that were printed. The dictionary has 13,000 words over 384 pages.

The ornate tin that protected the book from damage also contains a strong lens on the front to help read the minute words.

Graham York spotted it at a book shop and bought it to sell on in his own store in Honiton, Devon. Graham said: “It is in very good condition and can only be read by using the magnifying glass that is inset into the tin. It would have been a luxury item and would have been quite expensive. There seemed to have been a fashion for miniature books around that period of time.”

to measure– mér, kimér
to contain – tartalmaz
to be kept – tartva/tárolva van valahol
tiny – apró, pici   
metal tin – fém doboz
volume – kötet, könyv
titled – … című
to be published – ki van adva
ornate – díszes, gazdagon díszített
to protect – véd, védelmez
damage – kár
lens – lencse
to spot – meglát
condition – állapot
magnifying glass – nagyító
to be inset – be van ágyazva, be van illesztve

source: DigitalSpy