Alright, Alright, Alright! – szövegértés Matthew McConaughey segítségével

Matthew McConaughey legendás mondásának eredetéről olvashattok egy rövid cikket és hallgathatjátok meg Matthew tolmácsolásában is a történetet. Készítettünk hozzá nektek egy mini feladatot is!

Matthew McConaughey has enjoyed an interesting career. 

However, you know as well as I, that there is one moment that stands out in his career that is more enduring in popular culture than his portrayal of the mercurial Ron Woodruff in Dallas Buyers Club or the philosophically bleak Rust Cohle in True Detective. Of course, we’re talking about his turn as David Wooderson in 1993’s Dazed and Confused.

This was the film that cemented the idea of McConaughey as one of the most iconic actors out there. Wooderson’s catchphrase, “alright, alright, alright” is perhaps the most memorable of the ’90s. It turns out that this iconic line was actually formulated with the help of ‘The Lizard King’ himself, Jim Morrison.

Ad-libbed, McConaughey took his cues from The Doors frontman, so there’s no surprise that Wooderson is so well-loved. Famously, the “alright, alright, alright” scene was the first he ever shot. Naturally, some hesitation came over what to say and how to deliver it.

Per a report in USA Today, McConaughey was listening to The Doors while getting ready for the scene and was thinking about what to say after many discussions about the character’s temperament with director Richard Linklater. McConaughey had been listening to a live Doors album, and during the show, Morrison said, “All right, all right, all right, all right”, and immediately this became a source of inspiration for McConaughey.

This set the wheel in motion for McConaughey. He recalled that he thought about the main facets of Wooderson’s character. He thought Wooderson was about four things: ….. (kiderül a videóból!)

sources: The story of how Jim Morrison gave Matthew McConaughey his catchphrase by Mick McStarkey, Far Out Magazine; The Origin Of Matthew McConaughey’s ‘Alright, Alright, Alright’, Strombo, Youtube

A videó megnézése után egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a hiányzó információkkal (maximum 3 szó!).

Wooderson is about four things:

1.he’s about ____

2.he’s about ____

3.he’s about ____

4.he’s about ____


5.I’m in ____

6.I’m as high as ____

7.I’m listening to ____

8.and there’s the ____ .


1.his cars; 2.getting high; 3. rock’n’roll; 4. picking up chicks; car; 6. as a kite; 7. rock’n’roll; 8. chick


enduring maradandó
mercurial leleményes
bleak barátságtalan/cinikus
to cement megszilárdítani/megerősíteni
catchphrase jellegzetes mondat/mondás/beköpés
to turn out kiderülni
to formulate megfogalmazni
to ad-lib rögtönözni/improvizálni
to take cues from valahonnan ötletet meríteni
(As) Per valakit/valami szerint
discussions beszélgetések
temperament természet/vérmérséklet
source forrás
to set the wheel in motion beindítani a gépezetet
to recall felidézni/emlékezni
facets of character személyiségének aspektusai
gettin’ high be van tépve/füvezve
pickin’ up chicks csajozni
to be high as a kite be van tépve
chick csajszi
top notch első osztályú/legmenőbb
dress rehearsal ruhapróba/főpróba
to play a verbal ping pong szócsatázni
to be about érdekli valami

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