A Bunch of Idioms – B2 – Érzelmek

A következő idióma csokrunkban az érzelmeitek pontos érzékeltetéséhez tanulhattok meg 10 hasznos idiómát és gyakorolhatjátok is őket a mini feladatban.

1.be down in the dumps: – to be unhappy/not successful

when you feel unhappy or unsuccessful

2.be green with envy: – to be envious/jealous

wishing very much that you had what someone else has

3.be in the stew about/over: – to be anxious

If someone is in a stew, that person is in a difficult situation that causes them to feel worried or upset

4.be in two minds about something: – to be indecisive temporarily

to be unable to decide about something

5.be on edge: – to be nervous

to be nervous and not relaxed

6.be over the moon: – to be very pleased

to be extremely happy or delighted

7.tear your hair out: – to worry about something

If you tear your hair out over a problem, you are worrying a lot about it

8.blow your top: – to become extremely angry

to be extremely angry and furious about something

9.lose face: – to become less respected by others

to lose the respect of others, to be humiliated or experience public disgrace

10.something gets on your nerves: – to annoy someone

something makes you annoyed

Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat az idiómákból hiányzó szavakkal.


to be down in the dumps lehangolt/mélabús/depressziós
to be green with envy sárga az irigységtől
to be in the stew pácban lenni/kellemetlen szituációban lenni
to be in two minds about something nem tud dönteni valamiben
to be on edge ideges/feszült
to be over the moon kicsattan az örömtől/a fellegekben van az örömtől
to tear one’s hair out haját tépni idegességében
to blow one’s top felhúzni magát/égnek áll a haja
to lose face elveszíteni a becsületét/megszégyenülni
to get on one’s nerves idegeire menni

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