Tavaszi kirándulóhelyek Magyarországon – angol cikk szószedettel

A következő összefoglalóban népszerű magyar, tavaszi kirándulóhelyekről olvashatsz angolul, természetesen szószedettel.

Top hiking destinations to visit in the spring

Spring in Hungary is absolutely phenomenal. Nature is getting reborn after the long winter months, flowers start to bloom and the temperature starts to rise. Just like nature, people also begin to revive. As days start to lengthen, we long for sunshine, walks in nature and a chance to rediscover some magical spots in the country. Let’s take a look at some must-visit hiking destinations that are best to visit during the spring! 

Dera Gorge, Pilisszentkereszt

Although Hungary is filled with wonderful hiking and walking destinations, the Pilis Mountains hold some of the most popular hiking trails. The spectacular Dera Gorge near Pilisszentkereszt is often called the “Hungarian Switzerland”. The 1.5 km long winding gorge lies on the path of the Dera stream. Both kids and adults love experiencing the natural beauty of the area while having fun crossing wooden bridges and jumping over cliffs and limestone rocks. As the hike is short and not difficult to make, it is a perfect destination for beginner-hikers or families with small children.  

Hármashatárhegy, Budapest

Only 15 minutes from the heart of downtown Budapest lies Hármashatárhegy, a pine-studded environment in the Buda Hills. Hármashatárhegy is crossed by the wide path of the Guckler Károly Trail. The forest trail levels at 370 m on the slope of the mountain, offering a pleasant walk in a natural forest environment not far from the city. It is easy to reach and is only 6.1 km long with a short ascent at the beginning and then a long and pleasant road through the forest. The trail offers two lookout terraces that provide breath-taking views over Budapest. 

Basa Garden, Babócsa

The village of Babócsa in Somogy County is famous for its Basa Garden Natural Protection Area. It is open for visitors and hikers, and its main attraction is the flower field of narcissi, the biggest narcissus field in Europe. Narcissi bloom in April making the field a magical mead of white blossom. But those who don’t visit at the time of the blossoms will not be left without things to see either. In Babócsa, interesting cultural and historical monuments have survived history, such as a church from the Arpadian Age and a Turkish bath that was discovered in archaeological excavations

Spartacus Hunting Trail, Visegrád

The iconic Danube Bend and the Danube valley in Visegrád are not unknown to anyone familiar with Hungary’s most famous hiking trails. One of the most atmospheric trails in the Danube Bend area is the narrow trail levelling on the peaks of Visegrád Mountains – the Spartacus Trail. It used to be a hunting path, but today it is a popular hiking walkthrough offering a glorious view of the deep valleys of Visegrád. Optionally, you can complete a round-trip in the Danube valley visiting the Abbey’s Spring Valley on your way. The steep slopes, volcanic rock formations and rapids will guarantee to make your hike unforgettable. 

Treetop walkway, Pannonhalma

The canopy study trail connected to the Pannonhalma Abbey offers a fantastic view of the landscape below the trees. The educational trail walks us around the abbey and the lookout, where we can learn about the curiosities of Pannonhalma. The metal and wood-covered walkway has the shape of a fish, which is one of the oldest Christian symbols. From the lookout point – which is the head of the fish-shaped walkway – we can see the valley of Pannonhalma and the hilly landscape behind it. The magnificent Turkey oak forest of the hills offers a memorable experience for the lovers of hiking and cycling. 

Old Lake, Tata

Hike around the Old Lake of Tata and you will surely enjoy a magnificent view of forests and wetland. The town of Tata is rich in thermal springs, mountain springs, lakes and marshes. The Old Lake offers a variety of attractions both natural and cultural. You can explore the area by following one of the several thematic tours. Explore the exciting place while learning about nature from the information boards around the lake displaying local natural and cultural values. In Tata, nature and history blend together. The town is rich in nature values and it makes a serious effort to preserve and show its beauty to visitors. 

Language Point: Van néhány latin eredetű szó az angolban, amelynek a többes száma furcsa, különleges. Ezek „-us”-ra végződnek, akárcsak a „narcissus”, és többes számban -i végződést kapnak (amit „ai”-nak ejtünk, mint az „I”- „én” szóban). Például: cactus – cacti, focus – foci, octopus – octopi. Úgy tűnik, ezt az anyanyelvűek is furcsának találják, mert egyre inkább terjed az a változat is, amelyben a normál főnevekhez hasonló többes számot képeznek ezeknek a szavaknak is: narcissuses, cactuses, focuses, octopuses.



phenomenal csodálatos
to get reborn újjászületni
to long for vágyni, vágyakozni
hiking destination kirándulóhely
hiking trail túraútvonal
gorge szurdok
winding kanyargó
path ösvény
stream patak
cliff szikla
limestone mészkő
downtown belváros
pine-studded fenyővel teli
levels at valamilyen magasan van
slope lejtő
ascent emelkedő
lookout kilátó
county megye
narcissus, narcissi nárcisz, nárciszok
bloom virágzás
mead rét
blossom virágzás
Arpadian Age Árpád-kor
archaeological régészeti
excavation ásatás
Danube Bend Dunakanyar
valley völgy
peak csúcs
hunting path vadászösvény
walkthrough útvonal
round-trip körtúra
Abbey’s Spring Valley Apát-kúti-völgy
rapids zuhatag
treetop walkway lombkorona sétány
canopy lombkorona
abbey apátság
landscape táj
hilly dombos
Turkey oak cserfa
wetland láp
spring forrás
marsh mocsár
to blend összemosódik
to preserve megőrizni

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