5 expressions a day – Zeus and Hera – szókincsbővítés

Mai szókincs bővítésünkben egy reklám lesz segítségünkre, amiben két világsztár tanít meg nekünk néhány hasznos hétköznapi kifejezést. 

1.It’s time for Zeus and I to retire.
it’s time for somebody to do something: ideje lenne már megtenni valamit

to retire: visszavonulni
to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health

2.Sorry, Zeus, I need to charge on … Yo, Zeus, a little juice.
to charge: feltölteni

to put electricity into an electrical device such as a battery:
charger: töltő
a device that is used to recharge a battery (= fill it with electricity), for example in a mobile phone
a little juice: (slang) : egy kis áram
a little electric power
I need to : kell/szükségem van

3.Sweetie, it’s not rocket-science.
Sweetie/Honey,…Baby: Édesem…
It’s not rocket-science (idiom): Ez nem agysebészet/ atomfizika!
it’s not difficult/it’s easy to understand
Everything is okay out there, baby?
everything is okay: minden rendben van
out there: ott kint/’nálad’

4.I’m done with this place.
to be done with something: elegem van ebből/végeztem ezzel
no longer be involved with somebody/something or do something, especially something unpleasant

5.I figured out you could use a little pick-me-up.
to figure out: rájönni/kigondolni
to understand or solve something
pick-me-up: szíverősítő/valami, am I feldob

something that makes you feel better, often food or drink, that gives you more energy or makes you feel better
to pick me up: felvenni valakit/eljönni érte
to give someone a ride in one’s vehicle.

És még 5 kifejezés az ínyenceknek:

  1. to become a shell of his former selfárnyéka önmagának
    a much weaker and frailer person than one formerly was
  2. when we think that all hope is lost mikor minden remény elveszett
    when all hope is lost: means that a situation is no longer certain or predictable and that anything can happen
  3. mighty Zeushatalmas Zeusz
    very large, powerful, or important
  4. to reclaim his sparkvisszaszerezni a belső tüzét/szikráját
    to get back his purpose and reason to get excited and passionate
  5. to be underwhelmedérdektelen valami iránt
    feeling no excitement about or admiration for something or someone

Retiring from Mount Olympus to Palm Springs, Zeus is underwhelmed by all earthly electric things and becomes a shell of his former self. But right when we think all hope is lost, his wife, Hera, introduces him to the all-electric BMW iX and helps mighty Zeus reclaim his spark.

sources: Zeus & Hera, BMW USA (Official Video), BMW USA, Youtube ; Cambridge Dictionary; The Free Dictionary by Farlex, Merriam-Webster Dictionary


fellow gods istentársak
to head out menni/távozni
to take (the pet) out for a walk megsétáltatni a kiskedvencet
don’t forget to do something ne feledkezz meg valami megtételéről
We’ll see about that. Na, majd meglátjuk. /Na, várjunk csak !
predictable megjósolható/kiszámítható
passionate szenvedélyes
admiration csodálat

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