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The most common Irish Symbols
The shamrock The shamrock is undoubtedly the most identifiable symbol of Ireland. Shamrock comes from the Irish Gaelic word Seamrog, a word that refers to the plant’s three leaves. Legend has it that during a religious debate with the Druid priests, St. Patrick plucked a shamrock to demonstrate the mysteries of the Christian Trinity–three leaves held together by a single stem. Whether or not this story is true, the shamrock is regarded as the national plant of Ireland and always worn on St. Patrick’s Day. |
The Harp The harp, of the small portable type played by Celtic minstrels, is the oldest official symbol of Ireland. Through not as recognizable as the shamrock, the harp is widely used. It appears on Irish coins, the presidential flag, state seals, uniforms, and official documents. But the harp is most often associated with Guinness, which adopted the harp as its trademark in 1862. |
The Leprechaun The legend of the leprechaun has never quite left Ireland. Traditionally dressed in green with a cocked hat and leather apron, he is about 2 feet tall and possesses a pot of gold. If you can find a leprechaun and keep him in your sight he must tell you where the gold is. While many have claimed to see a leprechaun (usually after a long day in the pub) his existence has yet to be proven. |
shamrock– lóhere
the most identifiable – a legjobban beazonosítható
to refer to – vonatkozik valamire
legend has it – az a legenda járja
to pluck – leszakít
to demonstrate – bemutat
to be regarded as – valamit tartanak valaminek
portable – hordozható
minstrel – költő, trubadúr
recognizable – felismerhető
to be associated with – valamivel összefüggésbe van hozva
trademark – védjegy
cocked hat – háromszögletű kalap
apron – kötény
in sight – látszik, látható