cheesy – nyálas giccses
cheap, unpleasant or blatantly inauthentic
word with similar meaning:
corny – giccses, elkoptatott, elcsépelt
cheesy or cringey
gripping – izgalmas
so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely
word with similar meaning:
suspenseful – feszültséggel teli
causing a feeling of excitement or nervousness because you
are waiting for something to happen or something uncertain is going to happen
steamy – sikamlós/fülledt
sexually exciting or including a lot of sexual activity
word with similar meaning:
intimate – meghitt/intim
having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship
quirky – furcsa/különös
unusual in an attractive and interesting way
word with similar meaning:
offbeat – furcsa/bizarr
unusual and strange and therefore surprising or noticeable
ominous – baljós
suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen
word with similar meaning:
menacing – fenyegető/veszélyes
making you think that someone is going to do something bad
source: Cambridge Dictionary; Netflix
blatantly inauthentic | nyilvánvalóan nem eredeti |
cringey | kínos |
excitement | izgatottság/izgalom |
nervousness | idegesség/aggodalom |
uncertain | bizonytalan/nem biztos |
exciting | izgató |
therefore | ezért |
noticeable | észrevehető |
to be likely to | valószínűleg valami meg fog történni |