10 érdekesség az Igazából szerelem filmről – szókincs, videók, mini feladat

10 érdekes részletet tudhattok meg az Igazából szerelem – Love Actually – filmről. Valószínűleg idén karácsonykor is felbukkan, úgyhogy kereshetitek is az érdekességeket a filmben. Összegyűjtöttünk hasznos hétköznapi kifejezéseket is a videóból, hogy be tudjanak ‘vésődni’.
  1. Real people had real reunions at the beginning and ending of the film. The airport scenes in the film were shot by hidden cameras, so no extras or actors were needed.
  2. Hugh Grant hated having to do his famous dance. The Prime Minister’s enthusiasm doesn’t come from Grant’s heart. Grant put off filming the scene as long as he could.
  3. Andrew Lincoln wrote all of his own signs in his famous scene. The actor did the art department’s job because he thinks that his handwriting is “really good”.
  4. Emma Thompson wore a fat suit. The film makers wanted to make her appear heavier as she’s naturally slender.
  5. Originally Rowan Atkinson was going to play an angel. DVD commentary revealed that at one point the script saw Rufus “evaporate” after helping Sam at the airport.
  6. The lake is actually only 18 inches (46 centimetres) deep. Colin Firth and Lúcia Moniz shot the whole scene kneeling in the shallow pool of water.
  7. Thomas Brodie-Sangster learned to play the drums with the help of his dad especially for the role.
  8. The word “actually” is spoken 23 times during the film.
  9. The Prime Minister and Sam are related in real life. Grant and Brodie-Sangster are second cousins.
  10. Several actors – Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Laura Linney and Claudia Schiffer, among others – didn’t even have to audition.

sources (article; video): DigitalSpy; Love Actually – Trailer, Blockbuster, Youtube

Most pedig nézzük meg, milyenek lennének a szereplők manapság a következő rövid videóban.

Kiválasztottunk néhány hasznos mondatot a videóból, a feladatotok az,
hogy kiegészítsétek a hiányzó részeket EGY SZÓVAL.

Nézzétek meg a videót: 

source: LOVE ACTUALLY 2 Official Trailer (2017) Red Nose Day Actually, TV Short HD, ONE Media, Youtube

  1. ­­­______ to me, love is everywhere…It’s always there.
    If you ______ for it, I’ve got a ______ feeling you
    will find love. Love actually is all ______.
  2. Have a lot ______ my mind.
    World ______?
    Well, it’s more of a love thing, actually…
    ______ we go ______.
  3. What’s the ______ sex you’ve ever ______?
    It’s ______ one of the Kardashians .
    But ______ one, Mike? ______ one?
  4. ______ you like the ______?
    (shaking her head showing dislike)
    No, I’m not sure, ______.
  5. A very attractive turtle ______ today!
    Oh, yes, thank you. ______ back in ______.
    Or ______.
  6. How many ______ have I ______ you not to
    dance ______ the stairs?
    Once or ______. Once or ______.

1. Seems – look – sneaky – around
2. on – tough – Here – again
3. best – had – definitely – which – Which
4. Do – beard – either
5. neck – Right – fashion – not
6. times – told – down – twice – twice

Most próbáljátok lefordítani a következő kifejezéseket!

1.Van egy sanda gyanúm.
2.Nekem úgy tűnik…
3.Olyan sok mindenen jár az agyam….
4.Na már megint….
5.Nade melyik? (a kettőből, vagy megadott számúból)
6.Én sem vagyok biztos benne…
7.Hányszor mondtam már neked, hogy ne csináld…

1. I have a sneaky feeling.
2. It seems/Seems to me …
3. Have a lot on my mind
4. Here we go again
5. But which one?
6. I’m not sure either
7. How many times have I told you not to…?

useful pieces of information:

to have a lot on my mind: to have many things to worry about; to be preoccupied.

to have something in my mind: to have a plan or intention

sources: Cambridge Dictionary; The Free Idioms Dictionary by Farlex


reunions újbóli találkozások
extras statiszták
enthusiasm lelkesedés
to put off halogatni
signs feliratok/’táblák’
to appear tűnik
slender karcsú
was going to úgy volt, hogy…
to reveal felfedni
to evaporate elillanni/’elpárologni’
to kneel térdelni
shallow pool of water sekély tavacska/tó
to be related rokonságban állnak
audition meghallgatás/próbajáték
sneaky feeling sanda gyanú/érzés
turtleneck pullover garbónyakú pulóver
tough kemény/nehéz/’szívás’
to have a lot on my mind sok mindenen jár az agyam

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