Vegán? – szókincs, videó, hallás utáni szövegértéses feladat

Budapesten forgató vegetáriánus és vegán filmsztárokról szóló cikk kapcsán járjuk körbe a gyakran felmerülő témát. Miért is hasznos ez az étrend?

Vegetarian and vegan movie stars visiting Budapest

Veganism is one of the world’s fastest-growing lifestyle movements, and vegan and vegetarian celebrities are inspiring even more people to adopt a plant-based diet. The choice of eliminating animal products from one’s life can be motivated by various factors, such as weight management, health benefits, preventing the exploitation of animals, or reducing one’s ecological footprint.

The Hungarian capital offers an exciting range of vegetarian and vegan restaurants. This week, two Hollywood stars have been spotted in Budapest: Oscar and Golden Globe winner Mel Gibson and Academy Award nominee and Avengers star Mark Ruffalo. Ruffalo arrived in Budapest in October to shoot his latest movie, Poor Things, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos.

Ruffalo was also spotted in a vegan/vegetarian concept store and restaurant on Saturday.

Mark Ruffalo has long spoken out against the meat industry. The actor has often encouraged his followers to move towards greener alternatives and cut their meat consumption.

The Avengers star is not the first vegan/vegetarian actor who has visited the Hungarian capital. Emma Stone is also part of the cast of Poor Things, shot at Origo Film Studio. Stone has been described as a committed vegan by a number of news organisations.

In April, Jamie Lee Curtis, the daughter of Hungarian-born Tony Curtis, came to Hungary to film Borderlands. In an interview, she explained that she eats a lot of raw vegetables and fruits, three to five servings of fish a week and avoids fatty, fried foods and too many carbs to maintain digestive health.

sources (article; video): Daily News Hungary; Here’s What Happens To Your Brain And Body When You Go Vegan, The Human Body, Tech Insider, Youtube

interesting info:

Level 1 vegans are those who typically switch to the vegan diet for health benefits.

Level 2 vegans follow a vegan diet to stay fit and healthy but who are also passionate about animal cruelty.

Level 3 vegans are more experienced than level 2 vegans, they have overcome the small lifestyle adjustments, they are also much more aware of animal cruelty and animal agriculture. They protest for animal ethics regularly.

Level 4 vegans are incredibly committed to veganism, and follow a strict dietary regime. Their diet is likely to contain more fruits, vegetables and nuts. They are also incredibly passionate about animal rights and will often join protests in favour of animal ethics.

Level 5 vegans follow a vegan lifestyle that is free of any type of animal product or animal exploitation. They also avoid all animal-derived products such as eggs, dairy products, meats, fish and seafood.  They will not use any food products where accidental traces of animal products may feature. They will also avoid leather, gelatin, and some food colourings.


A videó megnézése után válaszoljatok a következő kérdésekre.

  1. What may new vegans experience in the first few weeks?
  2. Which essential nutrients (vitamin and mineral) are difficult for vegans to take in?
  3. Why is the change in their sense of taste?
  4. How much weight could a new vegan lose over a ten-month period?
  5. What other health benefits may they experience?
  6. Why is it important for them to boost their leafy green intake?
  7. What symptoms do 60% of people experience when consuming dairy products?
  8. What do they need to swap?

1. they may feel especially tired
2. vitamin B12 and iron
3. because their zinc levels have taken a hit and it affects their sense of taste
4. an average of 10 pounds
5. a healthy decrease in cholesterol, blood pressure and heart disease risk
6. to combat their dip in calcium level
7. cramping, bloating and even diarrhoea
8. swap dairy products with
high-fibre veggies


to adopt követni/átvenni/alkalmazni/választani
to eliminate from kiiktatni vmit valahonnan
weight management súlymegtartás
benefits jótékony hatások
exploitation kihasználás/kizsákmányolás
to reduce csökkenteni
ecological footprint ökológiai lábnyom
to spot észrevenni/meglátni
to speak out against szót emelni valami ellen
to encourage ösztönözni/bátorítani
to move towards valami felé elmozdulni
consumption fogyasztás
committed vegan elkötelezett vegán
to explain elmagyarázni
raw nyers
serving adag
to avoid elkerülni
to maintain digestive health fenntartani az emésztése egészségét
supplement (táplálék) kiegészítő
to take a hit lecsökkenni
to affect hatással lenni
to switch átváltani
BMI (body mass index) testtömeg index
saturated fat telített zsír
arteries are better off artériák jobb állapotban vannak
dairy products tejtermékek
a dip csökkenés
to boost felerősíteni/fokozni
intake bevitel
kale kelkáposzta
leafy greens leveles zöldségek
to cut out kiiktatni
to digest megemészteni
cramping görcsölés
bloating felpuffadás
diarrhoea hasmenés
to swap kicserélni 
fiber(US)/fibre(UK) rost

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