Awkward Puppets is an American YouTube series that was created by Rodolfo Mancuso in October 2015, under the company Shots Studios. Awkward Puppets is a series that focuses on mainly puppet characters who are usually in comedic scenarios. The puppets are played by people such as Rudy Mancuso, Lele Pons, King Bach, Maia Mitchell, and The Lucas Brothers.
Diego is the main character of Awkward Puppets. He loves drinking tequila, hates his wife, watches soccer games. He suffers through major anxiety and depression because of wife but he doesn’t want to get a divorce. He is played by Rudy Mancuso.
Sam is a character who enjoys bland food and who is friends with Diego, he is played by Rudy Mancuso.
Benita is the wife of Diego, she is played by Lele Pons.
Twon is a character who is also a cop, he is played by King Bach.
Sarah is a character who is also a feminist and sometimes racist towards Diego. She is played by Maia Mitchell.
Carl & Carl
Carl and Carl are twin brothers who are also always stoned TV hosts, they are played by the Lucas Brothers.
sources (information; video): Wikitubia,; The Translator, Awkward Puppets, Youtube
A következő feladatban döntsétek el, hogy az idézett mondatokat melyik opcióval mondhatnánk el függő beszédben.
to happen | történni |
I can’t understand shit. | Nem értem ezt az összevisszaságot. |
criminal | bűnöző |
to describe | leírni/külsőleg jellemezni |
moustache | bajusz |
to matter | befolyással van valamire/fontos |
Good point | Jó gondola/jó meglátás |
to rat somebody out | hatóságot tájékoztatni valaki illegális tevékenységéről |
to cover shift | vállalni valaki helyett a műszakot |
I guess | Az hiszem |
we’re done | Végeztünk. / Készen vagyunk. |
to turn oneself in | önként feladni magát |
to admit | beismerni/bevallani |
Holy shit | Szent szar!/A francba!/Szentségit! |
to be under arrest | le van tartóztatva |
no hablo inglés bland stoned |
nem beszélek angolul fűszerezetlen be van tépve |