Idén szeptemberben jött ki a Metallica cím nélküli, 1991-ben megjelent lemezének jubileumi kiadása és a The Metallica Blacklist című feldolgozáslemez 53 dallal, amin világhírű előadók dolgozták fel az album dalait, az egész bevételét pedig jótékonysági célra ajánlották fel.
Emiatt készített Howard Stern interjúkat a csapattal, ahol szóba került a lemezen lévő Nothing Else Matters című dal is, amit Miley Cyrus énekel és Sir Elton John pedig zongorán közreműködik. A két interjút láthatjátok és meghallgathatjátok a dalt is. Készítettünk nektek feladatot is a videókhoz.
A videó megnézése után döntsétek el, hogy a következő állítások igazak (T), hamisak (F), vagy nem volt róluk szó (NM) a videóban.
source (video and picture): Miley Cyrus and Metallica “Nothing Else Matters” Live on the Stern Show, The Howard Stern Show, Youtube
- James Hetfield mentioned that as they had built the “tough guy, made of stone”
reputation, he didn’t want to present the song to the band. - Playing the song for the first time in public was a life-changing experience for James.
- Miley first started covering this song for Glastonbury festival.
- When performing the song for the first time, she was wearing leather pants and ripped white shirt.
- She sang this song first right after her divorce.
- After her performance at Glastonbury festival, Miley lost her house in the fires.
- At the time of the Glastonbury festival, she was heartbroken.
- Singing this song was her love letter to music.
keys/megoldások: 1. T; 2. F, the fact that it was okay playing the song for the band and their acceptance were the life-changing experience for him; 3. T; 4. NM, all we know is that she wore pants and a shirt; 5. F,she sang it right before the world knew that she was getting a divorce; 6. F, she had lost her house before Glastonbury festival; 7. T; 8. T
A videó megnézése után válaszoljatok a következő kérdésekre.
source (video): Elton John Calls This Metallica Track “One of the Best Songs Ever Written”, The Howard Stern Show, Youtube
- Who came up with the idea of using the piano instead of the guitar
in ‘Nothing Else Matters’ and why was this person important in this song? - What is Sir Elton John’s opinion about this song?
- Why did Sir Elton John call Metallica as the creme de la creme?
- What are they celebrating this year?
- What things were considered to be unimaginable four decades ago?
- Andrew Walt who produced the track and played guitar on it in its original version
- he thinks that this is one of the best songs ever written, the song that never gets old.
- He thinks that Metallica is one of those kinds of bands that you can’t really define,
Metallica are not a heavy metal band, they’re a musical band. - Metallica’s 40th anniversary
- They would still be functioning, they would be sitting with Miley and Elton,
doing a radio show talking about the accomplishments and what this record means to many people.
to be ashamed of | szégyenkezni valami miatt |
embarrassed | zavarban lenni |
vulnerable | sebezhető/sérülékeny |
reputation | hírnév |
armour | páncél |
to resonate with | egybecsengeni valamivel |
sober | józan/higgadt |
to fall apart | darabokra hullani/szétesni |
to appear | megjelenni/feltűnni valahol |
the creme de la creme | krémek krémje/ legjava valaminek |
collaboration | együttműködés |
a capella | kíséret nélkül |
juxtaposition | egymás mellé helyezése egymáshoz nem hasonló dolgoknak |
accomplishments | teljesítmények/eredmények |
incredible | hihetetlen |
to pay tribute to | elismeréssel adózni/tisztelegni valaki előtt |