Archaeology in Sicily: Selinunte
On the southwest coast of Sicily, not far from Mazara del Vallo, lies the largest archaeological site in Europe. Selinunte has lain abandoned for nearly 2,500 years.
From being one of the most progressive and eminent cities in Magna Graecia, in 409BC Selinunte was transformed, almost overnight, into a large expanse of rubble. The reason for this was an attack from the old enemy, the Carthaginians, who, for many years, had seen this upstart town as a threat to their influence in Sicily. Taking advantage of some trouble between the Greeks of Selinunte and the Elymians of Segesta, the Carthaginians sent some 100,000 men to lay siege to the town, which was only able to hold out for nine days. The subsequent sacking involved the massacre of some 16,000 of the town’s inhabitants while most of the remaining citizens were taken into slavery.
Selinunte is beautifully located, sitting on a high plain and overlooking the sea. It is flanked on either side by golden beaches and, being almost 1km wide, is an excellent excuse for a good walk, though it is also possible to get around on electric buggies.
There are two entrances to the archaeological site, one from Marinella di Selinunte to the east and one from Triscina to the west.
To see how Selinunte’s temples were built, we strongly recommend you also visit the Cave di Cusa.
source: The Thinking Traveller
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source: Italy Heaven, Sicily Tourist Information
Ancient Selinunte: History, temples and archaeological site
to lie abandoned | elhagyatottan áll |
progressive | fejlődő/haladó szellemű |
eminent | rendkívüli/kiemelkedő |
expanse of rubble | nagy kiterjedésű kőtörmelék |
upstart | feltörekvő |
influence | hatás/befolyás |
to take advantage of | kihasználni/előnyt kovácsolni valamiből |
to lay siege | megszállni |
to hold out | kitartani/állni a sarat |
sacking | fosztogatás |
massacre | vérontás |
to take somebody into slavery | elhurcolni valakit rabszolgának |
flanked | szegélyezni |
electric buggies | elektromos kisautók/golfautók |
archaeological site | régészeti terület/ásatások |
to found | alapítani |
to construct | építeni |
to attack | megtámadni |
to destroy | elpusztítani/tönkre tenni |
earthquakes | földrengések |
remaining | megmaradó |
excavation | ásatás/feltárás |
shallow valley | sekély völgy |
to inhabit | elfoglalni/lakni |
siege | ostrom |
nucleus | központi/legfontosabb rész |