Michael Bublé – szókincs, videó, hallás utáni szövegértéses feladatok

Kívánságteljesítő listánkon szerepel Michael Bublé, róla készítettük ezt a leckét, fogadjátok szeretettel. Igazi emotional rollercoaster-ben lesz részetek.

A videó meghallgatása után egészítsd ki a videóban elhangzott dalrészleteket a legmegfelelőbb opcióval. Segítségül megadjuk, mikor hallhatóak a videóban az egyes dalok:

0:13 – Haven’t Met You Yet;

2:40 – Everything;  
5:07 – It’s A Beautiful Day;
9:13 – Love You Anymore;
13:55 – Home

source (video and picture; lyrics): Michael Bublé Carpool Karaoke – Stand Up To Cancer, The Late Late Show with James Corden, Youtube; azlyrics.com

A videó megnézése után válaszolj a következő kérdésekre.

  1. How many Bublés are mentioned at the beginning of the interview?
  2. Why did James show a picture of Michael to his trainer?
  3. Is Michael bothered by his look? Why/not?
  4. Why did James mention superman? (give 2 reasons)
  5. What is James’s opinion about the opening of the song “Everything”?
  6. What does Michael do during his live shows in an arena?
  7. What did they try?
  8. What did Michael think of saxophones?
  9. What did James’s father ask Michael?
  10. Why did Michael mention spiderman and superman?

extra vocabulary: In scat singing, singers improvise melodies and rhythms using the voice as an instrument.

1. 2, there’s a fat, chunky Bublé and one who should stop eating Slurpees and work out more.;
2. because it (Michael’s shape in the picture) is his goal to achieve;
3. No, he doesn’t care about his look because he has a beautiful wife who loves him.;
4. Because Michael looks like a superman now and the Michael in the picture looks like a man who ate superman.;
5. He thinks that Michael was fully aware that it would be played in the radio.;
6. He takes the microphone away and without amplification his voice reaches the audience everywhere in the arena.;
7. They tried to order coffee by using the power of Michael’s voice.;
8. They bothered him, they were creepy for him, he didn’t like them.;
9. He asked Michael to come along and sing some songs at a charity event he organized/compiled in November and he asked for Michael’s phone number.;
10. Because he thinks they are fake heroes, the real hero is his son who’s battled with cancer at the age of 3.
(Now 6-Year-Old Noah survived liver cancer at 3. Diagnosed at 3 with a liver cancer, the singer’s son, Noah, underwent surgery and chemotherapy. Bublé dropped everything to be by his son’s side. Along with his wife, Luisana Lopilato, their 2-year-old son Elias, and their extended families, Bublé relocated from Vancouver to Los Angeles, where Noah was treated for seven months.)


chunky tagbaszakadt/vaskos
Slurpee jégkása
goal to achieve elérendő cél
to be bothered zavarja valami
to care about törődni valamivel
chiselled finoman kidolgozott
to be aware of sg tisztában van valamivel/tudomása van valamiről
without amplification hangosítás nélkül
to shock me to the core nagyon meghökkenni valamin
creepy ijesztő/ hátborzongató
to give sy a lift elvinni valakit autóval valahová
to come along elmenni valahová
to be in tune with összhangban lenni valamivel
fake hamis
to make a difference változást létrehozni
to project his voice hallatni a hangját
to compile összeállítani/szerkeszteni
worst nightmare legrosszabb rémálom
to acknowledge beismerni/elfogadni

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