Ma ismét a húsvété a főszerep, és megnézzük, hogy milyen szokások társulnak az angolszász országokban az ünnephez. Egy kis videót is küldök a leckéhez kapcsolódóan, amelyben megnézheted, hogy az amerikai elnökök milyen húsvéti rendezvénnyel szoktak kedveskedni a gyerekeknek.
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Of all the symbols associated with Easter the egg, the symbol of fertility and new life, is the most identifiable. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries. Originally Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. In medieval time eggs were traditionally given at Easter to the servants. In Germany eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.
The first eggs given at Easter were birds’ eggs. These eggs were painted in bright colours to give them further meaning as a gift. As chocolate became more wide spread in the 20th Century, a chocolate version of the traditional painted egg was developed. The size of the chocolate egg has grown over the years and is now more likely to be the size of an ostrich egg rather than a small bird’s egg. Chocolate eggs are given to children. The eggs are either hollow or have a filling, and are usually covered with brightly coloured silver paper.
Pace Eggs are hard boiled eggs with patterned shells, they are traditional in northern parts of England at Easter, with local variants in the name, such as Paste Eggs. Its name is derived from Pesach (Passover). Pace Eggs’ background colour is provided by onion skins with designs created by leaves and flowers placed next to the shell.
An Easter egg hunt is a common festive activity, where eggs are hidden outdoors (or indoors if in bad weather) for children to run around and find. This may also be a contestto see who can collect the most eggs.
Egg rolling is very popular in both England and the USA. Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill. Customs differ from place to place. The winner’s egg may be the one that rolls the farthest, survives the most rolls, or is rolled between two pegs.
custom – szokás
tradition – hagyomány
symbol – szimbólum
associated with … – valamivel összefüggésbe hozható
fertility – termékenység
identifiable – felismerhető, beazonosítható
presidential – elnöki
murky – homályos, sötét
to peeve – bosszant, idegesít
to nix something – megvétőz valamit
a videót itt nézheted meg:
White House Easter Egg Roll is one of the oldest presidential traditions and the largest annual event held at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The daylong celebration transforms the presidential yard into official Washington’s version of an amusement park, with food, games, music, storytelling, and, yes, thousands of eggs. The President and first lady generally attend, along with other stars and celebrities (the Jonas Brothers performed last year). And, of course, there is egg rolling — a European custom of murky origin wherein a hard-boiled egg is pushed, dragged, flung or otherwise propelled across a lawn with a long-handled spoon. Every child leaves with a wooden souvenir egg bearing the printed signatures of the day’s hosts, the President and first lady.
Washington’s young people used to gather on the Capitol grounds for Easter Egg rolling in the 19th century, but lawmakers grew so peeved at the damage to the grass that in 1876 they passed the Turf Protection Law banning the practice. Bad weather nixed egg rolling the following year, but in 1878 President Rutherford B. Hayes opened the White House grounds to the displaced youngsters and a tradition began. It has continued steadily ever since, interrupted only by inclement weather and hiatuses during World Wars I and II. Some 53,000 people attended the egg roll in 1941 (73 children ended up being separated from their parents), though in modern times the number is generally under 20,000.