Futótüzek pusztítanak Törökországban – szókincs, szövegértési feladat

A mostanában pusztító erdőtüzekről is készítettünk egy hírt, a többnyelvű tájékozódás érdekében egy kis feladattal kiegészítve. 

A videó megnézése és meghallgatása után döntsd el, hogy a következő mondatoknak mi a megfelelő befejezése a megadott opciók közül.

Ha nehéznek bizonyul a feladat, segítségül megadjuk a videó szövegátiratát és rövid hírösszefoglalóját.

Thousands of firefighters are battling wildfires in villages and resorts on Turkey’s Mediterranean and Aegean coasts.
Four people have died and dozens have been taken to hospital. An investigation has been launched to determine if some of the fires were a result of arson.
During a visit to Manavgat, Turkey’s Agriculture Minister Bekir Pakdemirli, said bringing the fires under control might take time.
Firefighting planes from Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan are helping Turkey to put out wildfires, raging along its southern coast.  At least four people have died and dozens have been taken to hospital. The flames have also forced the evacuation of entire villages.
Unfortunately, 71 wildfires have broken out. 57 forest fires were contained.
Efforts are underway to contain 14 wildfires so there is progress in a positive direction.
I’ve been talking about this to Esra Yalcinalp, the BBC’s Turkish service. She explained the challenges firefighters are facing.

“Actually, it has just been too many fires going on at the same time which have made the firefighting efforts very difficult for people on the ground. According to the agricultural minister, there has been almost 100 fires in 24 cities in the last four days. And the weather is not helping, it is a dry season here, there are very high temperatures, the winds are strong and all of these factors are weighing in for the negative effects, regarding the firefighting efforts.
It’s a mountainous region, it’s very difficult to get to. The region’s characterized by pine trees. The people I talked to on the ground are emphasizing that the pine cones that are in flames just explode from trees to create new small fires in the region. So, all of these are against the efforts and planes from Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan are helping. Firefighters from different regions of Turkey have arrived in the location, trying to maximize the efforts.  But there are still firefighting efforts going on in the region.
Volunteers are going there with their own efforts just filling in plastic bottles with water and trying to put down flames. There has been a volunteer who has died in the region. There’s a heated debate regarding whether Turkey was ready for this, whether enough precautions were taken because this is not something that happens for the first time. Although it is the first time in such an extent.”

And the timing, Esra. So many of these areas must have been hoping to get more tourists back after being closed down for pandemic.  So, it’s potentially going to affect business, too.

“Yes, these are very popular tourist destinations that are suffering from the fires. Hotels have been evacuated. People have their summer houses there, they have left the summer houses and also because of the fire, transportation is very difficult. There are roads that are blocked. People have been stuck in some regions. They were helped with boats to get out of there.
And, of course, new holiday makers cannot come into the region, they have cancelled their reservations. And the toll is rising, we don’t know the actual financial toll right now because the situation in Antalya and in Marmaris are still continuing in their fourth day. The fires are still going on and so the toll is rising.

source (video): Wildfires threaten Turkey coastal resorts, BBC News, Youtube



to battle wildfires megküzdeni a futótüzekkel
dozens tucatnyi
investigation vizsgálat
to launch elindítani
to determine meghatározni
result of arson gyújtogatás eredmény
to put out wildfires futótüzeket eloltani
to rage tombolni
to force kényszeríteni
entire teljes/egész
to contain fires megfékezni a tüzeket
efforts erőfeszítések
to be underway úton van
to contain megfékezni
progress haladás
challenges kihívások
on the ground a földön
According to valaki/valami szerint
to weigh in mérlegelni
regarding tekintve
mountainous hegyvidéki
to get to eljutni valahová
pine trees fenyőfák
to emphasize hangsúlyozni
pine cones fenyőtobozok
to explode robbanni
to maximize maximalizálni
firefighting efforts tűzoltó
Volunteers tűzoltási erőfeszítések
to put down flames oltani a lángokat
heated debate heves vita
precautions óvintézkedések
in such an extent olyan mértékben
potentially lehetséges
to affect business kihatni az üzletre
to cancel eltörölni
reservations foglalások
financial toll pénzügyi veszteség

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