A magyar női vízilabda-válogatott bravúrja! Gratulálunk! – szókincs

Nagyszerű teljesítményt nyújtott a magyar női vízilabda-válogatott, mert 10–9-re legyőzte az olimpián 13 éve veretlen Egyesült Államok válogatottját a tokiói nyári játékok vízilabdatornáján. Ezzel az eredménnyel két mérkőzés után a csoport második helyén áll.

Hungarian Women’s Waterpolo Team Defeats Favorite USA

Following a rather disappointing draw, the Hungarian women’s water polo team claimed an astonishing victory in Tokyo as it defeated the U.S. national team, who had been undefeated in the Olympics for the past 13 years.

As a matter of fact, the U.S. won both of the previous Olympics (and won medals in all three beforehand), having beaten the Hungarians in the semi-final of the past Games in Rio. In addition, Hungary is only the second (only Australia could do so until now) country to beat the Americans since they won their second consecutive Olympic title in Rio. Up until the match against Hungary, the U.S. team had a 69-game winning streak.

This surprising victory comes on the heels of the last game against the Russian team, which Hungary led for quite some time, but still couldn’t take the victory.

As Hungary’s last two games in the group (against host Japan, then China) are expected to be easier rides, the national team now has a good chance to finish first in the group, a feat that would definitely come in handy for the play-offs.

After the Hungarian women’s waterpolo team narrowly missed the podium in the previous three Olympics, (finishing fourth in Beijing, London, and Rio), this result definitely inspires optimism for finally being able to take one of the medals.

source (article; picture): Hungary Today, Eurosport.hu


disappointing draw elkeserítő döntetlen
to claim victory igényt tartani a győzelemre
astonishing meglepő/bámulatba ejtő
to defeat legyőzni/megverni
previous előző
beforehand korábban
consecutive egymást követő
winning streak nyerő széria
on the heels of közvetlenül utána
to expect remélik/számítanak valamire
feat hőstett
to come in handy jól jön/kapóra jön
play-offs rájátszások
narrowly missed the podium épp csak lemaradt a dobogóról

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