Ma tovább folytatjuk az ételes tananyagokat, amelyeket a British Council-tól kaptunk. Szerintem nagyon mókásak, és könnyen is érthetők.
Keresztrejtvény-pályázat: nyerj iPadet!
Ha nem kaptad meg karácsonyra a hőn áhított iPadet, most megnyerheted a British Council keresztrejtvény-pályázatán, melyben olyan egyszerű és izgalmas angol nyelvi feladatokat oldhatsz meg, melyeket majd az új iPaden is futtathatsz… A fődíj sorsolásáig pedig ismerkedj és beszélgess angolul a résztvevők nemzetközi csapatának Facebook-oldalán!
Olvasóverseny diákoknak
Elindult a Readers’ Corner olvasóverseny! Figyeld Dénest, kölcsönözz ki és olvass el három könnyített olvasmányt 12 megye könyvtár GatewayUK sarkaiból és nyerd meg az iPodot! Dénes már olvas, hogy javítson angoltudásán… te is beszállsz?
Jó tanulást!
a videót itt nézheted meg:
Right, well…cheers! That’s work done. So it’s dinner time…. was thinking about doing a bit of a Spanish omelette, that’s your onions, your eggs, bit of pepper, the red pepper variety, but then there’s good old pesto, whack that in a bit of pasta – very quick, very easy. However, little bit of a special occasion tonight I’ve asked a lady to come round, so erm, I’ve already prepared a lasagne and we’re just going to crank up the oven and stick that in. See you later.
All right? Well, I bought rather a nice bottle of wine because as I said she’s coming over, but just putting the finishing touches to the lasagne. I’ve put the basic pasta and tomato layers and it’s tuna fish ‘cos I don’t know whether she eats meat, so bit more cheese needed on the top, just to cover it off and that goes in on the end, so that makes a nice melted cheese top.
Right.. well… she’s here, she’s happily sitting down, which means it’s time for a little drink and of course it’s a nice white wine, hope it will go with the lasagne. I know that she likes lasagne because when we first actually met it was at an Italian restaurant, that was what she ordered and I found out her name and looked her up on Facebook and offered her, you know, a friendship invite and she said that before she accepted she felt that we ought to know one another a bit better, so that’s what we are going to do.
Well, it’s not going so well, she’s on the phone. Looks like a really intense conversation, I don’t know who it is she’s talking to …maybe it’s her mum, yeah, it’s probably her mum.
Well, she’s gone she’s left me holding this, although I have to say, she has made quite a dent in it, so I don’t know why she went, but whatever reason it was, it wasn’t that lasagne ‘cos that is great and I’ve got over 500 friends on Facebook, so what’s one less?
to whack – rádob
occasion – alkalom
to crank up the oven – beindítja a sütőt
to stick in – betesz, bepakol
to put the finishing touches to –utolsó símitásokat végezni valamin
whether – vajon, hogy …-e
to cover off – lefed, betakar
melted cheese top – olvasztott sajt feltét
to look sb up on Facebook – megkeresni valakit a Facebook-on
to offer sb a friendship invite – barátkérőt küldeni valakinek
to accept – elfogad
intense conversation – heves beszélgetés
to make a dent in sth – elpusztítani valaminek a nagy részét
The Lasagna
- Minced Beef 450g
- Tin of Tomatoes 400g
- Mushrooms 100g
- Chopped onion 1
- Garlic 1 clove
- Beef Stock 1/2 pint (300ml)
- Butter 25g
- Lasagne 1 Packet
The White Sauce
- Milk 300ml
- Butter 25g
- Plain Flour 25g
- Grated Cheddar 50g
- To prepare the meat sauce, fry the mince beef and onion until brown.
- Stir in the stock, garlic, tomatoes and mushrooms (sliced).
- Cook for about an hour until thick and rich.
- If necessary add 2 tablespoons of corn flour dissolved in a small amount of cold water to thicken.
- Grease an oven proof dish.
- To make the béchamel sauce, melt the butter, stir the flour in and add the milk, stirring until thickened.
- Grate the cheese and add. Add seasoning to taste.