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Gondolom te is hallottad, hogy múlt hét csütörtökön a Szövetségi Nyomozóiroda (FBI) fennálásának legnagyobb New York-i maffiafogását hajtotta vére, amikor 2010.01.20-án hajnalban 110 gyanúsítottat vett őrizetbe a nagyvárosban és annak környékén.
Erről jutott eszembe, hogy a héten foglalkozzunk a maffiózókkal! Ma a fent említett hírt nézheted meg, és el is olvashatod!
Jó tanulást!
FBI Arrests 100 In Mafia Bust
a videót itt nézheted meg:
It was an unprecedented operation. 800 law enforcement officials arrested more than 110 people allegedly connected to American Mafia families in New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and even Italy.
Media reports have been generously peppered with references to entertainment classics like "Goodfellas" and "The Sopranos," but the charges laid out in a press conference with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder are all serious business.
Attorney General ERIC HOLDER: "Their alleged crimes include numerous violent and illegal acts, from murder and narcotics trafficking, to extortion, illegal gambling, arson, loan-sharking, and labor-racketeering. Some allegations involve classic mob hits to eliminate perceived rivals. Others involve truly senseless murders."
A reporter for the Wall Street Journal explains how the FBI got the indictments — with two of the most time-tested, movie-worthy methods.
SAM GARDINER: "It’s wiretaps and it’s rats. Basically, the sentences are so heavy that you get someone on something on a wiretap, you catch them for another crime, they say, ‘You wanna do the rest of your life in jail, or do you want to cooperate?’ And a lot of people cooperate these days."
And now that these alleged mobsters are in custody, people are asking… what happens next? An analyst on Canada’s CTV says the FBI did everything right — but even this historic sweep won’t stop the Mafia.
JAMES DUBRO: "A lot of them provide services and products that people want, whether it’s off-track betting, smuggling of people, pot, steroids, you name it – ecstasy. People are going to want this product so there’s going to be an underworld, and the Mafia has always been one of the strongest forces in the underworld."
In an interview with ABC Australia, one criminal law professor says busts like these may not stop these crime syndicates, but they do weaken their organizations.
JAMES JACOBS: "One generation of leaders after another, after another has been sent to prison and de-fanged, so to speak, and so it’s harder. The life of a leader of these mafia groups is now very short and that deters I think some people, from taking on leadership positions and it certainly renders many of the people who become leaders ineffective because they’re only out there for a very short period of time."
Finally, NPR’s All Things Considered had a little fun with the Soprano-style nicknames in the indictments.
ROBERT SMITH: "They got Whiny, Tony Bagels, they got Jack the Whack, Little John. The FBI picked up Uncle Danny, Marbles, Skinny, Johnny Pizza. If you had a meeting scheduled today with Junior Lollipops, Jimmy Gooch, or Baby Fat Larry, hate to break it to you, but they’re probably speaking with their lawyers."
Reports indicate members of seven high-profile families, include all five historic families in New York City, were included in the arrest.
bust – rajtaütés
unprecedented – példa nélkül álló
law enforcement officials – törvény végrehajtó tisztek
allegedly – állítólagosan
peppered with – tele van valamivel
to lay out – kitereget, kiterít
press conference – sajtókonferencia
Attorney General – legfőbb ügyész
narcotics trafficking – kábítószer kereskedelem
extortion – zsarolás
arson – gyújtogatás
loan-sharking – uzsorakölcsönzés
to eliminate – eltávolít, felszámol
perceived rivals – ismert riválisok
indictment – vád,vádirat
movie-worthy – megér egy mozifilmet
wiretap – lehallgató készülék
mobster – gengszter
sweep – söprés, nagytakarítás
off-track betting – illegális fogadás
smuggling of people – embercsempészet
pot – fű (marihuana)
de-fanged – erejétől megfosztott
to deter – elrettent, elriaszt
to render – valamilyenné tesz, viszonoz