Ma folytatjuk a macis témát, és az egyik legaranyosabb medvéről, a pandáról fogunk megnézni egy videót. A panda veszélyeztetett faj, alig 1600 darab él már csak belőle, ezért nagyon fontos a védelmük, ezért is csatlakozott Jack Black is egy őket védő csoporthoz!
Jó tanulást!
a videót itt nézheted meg:
The wild panda. You’ve gotta love the wild panda. Cute, friendly, playful. It’s no wonder the panda’s original Chinese name means large bear-cat. Pandas are loved by almost everybody all around the world. Ever heard somebody say: Pandas, I just don’t love them! I don’t think so. But despite their global popularity there’s only one place where pandas like to live: The bamboo forests of South-West China. Why? One word: Bamboo. You probably eat loads of stuff: pizza, burgers, apples, bananas, ice-cream, the end of the pole string on yourhoodie. But pandas eat bamboo. That’s it! Just lots of, lots of, lots of them. West Chinese bamboo forests are awfully important to pandas. And to everyone who loves them. But there’s a problem, the problem’s name is: the human being. People are building farms, roads, towns, factories. They’re hurting the forests for global warming and pollution. Friends of the panda call this: Habitat destruction. And pandas just call it: bad. There are now fewer than 1600 pandas who live on the wild. That’s why we’re building an awesome, powerful team to protect them. And the first picked to be in our team: YOU. Wild pandas can’t win on their own, they need you, your brothers and sisters, your mom and dad, your best friend, even that quiet kid at the back of the class who keeps looking like kinda funny. Wild pandas need everybody in their team. Now, as a team we can protect the place wild pandas call home. We can protect the place we call home. We can protect the place all animals call home. Together we can protect Earth. That’s why this team is called Team Earth. Join our team, go to and learn more about wild pandas and the Earth.
playful– játékos
despite … – … ellenére
global popularity – globális népszerűség
South-West China – Dél-Nyugat Kína
stuff – cucc
end of the pole string on your hoodie – a kapucnis pulcsid zsínórjának a vége
awfully – szörnyen
important to – fontos valakinek
human being – emberi lény
global warming – globális felmelegedés
pollution – légszennyeződés
habitat – élőhely
destruction – lerombolás
awesome – csodás, lenyűgöző
powerful – erőteljes
to pick – választ, kiválaszt
to keep look like kinda funny – egyfolytában furan néz ki
to protect – megvéd, véd, védelmez