Ma ismét a Halloween-nal fogunk foglalkozni, mégpedig egy mókás receptet küldök, amely nagyon látványos tud lenni egy party-n például. Az édesség nem más, mint a Meringue Bones, azaz a habcsók csontok, a recept mellé pedig egy videót is mellékeltem!
Jó étvágyat hozzá! :- )
a videót itt nézheted meg:
Do you want to surprise your friends with a unique Halloween treat? Why don’t you try these delicious – and easy to make – meringue bones? I’m sure you’ll impress them with this treat!
You’ll need:3 egg whites, 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar, a pinch of salt, 2/3 cup granulated sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract
1. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees F (105 degrees C). Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
2. In a mixing bowl, with an electric mixer, beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar and salt until foamy. Gradually add the sugar, beating well. Continue beating until the meringue stands up in a glossy, firm peak when you lift the beaters out of the bowl. Then beat in the vanilla.
3. Spoon the meringue into a pastry decorating bag with a plain round tip approximately 3/8-inch (1 cm) wide. Pipe 3-inch (7.5 cm) bone shapes — one long line with two rounded blobs on each end. Pipe all the meringue at once because it cannot be baked in batches and they will deflate if it sits too long.
4. Place the cookie sheets in the preheated oven and bake for 1 hour. Without opening the oven door, turn the heat off and let the meringues remain in the oven for 1 more hour to dry and crisp.
5. Remove from cookie sheets carefully or you will end up with a bunch of broken bones!
6. Serve atop a plateful of crushed chocolate cookies to make it look as if they are lying in dirt.
bin bag [bɪn bæɡ] – szemeteszsák
wing [wɪŋ] – szárny
doughnut [ˈdəʊnʌt] – fánk
to surprise [tu səˈpraɪz] – meglep
unique [juːˈniːk] – egyedi
meringue [məˈræŋ] – habcsók
to impress [tə ɪmˈpres] – benyomást kelt valakiben
cream of tartar [kriːm əv ˈtɑːtə] – kálium-bitartarát (borkősav)
a pinch of … [ə pɪntʃ əv] – csipetnyi
granulated sugar [ˈɡrænjʊleɪtɪd ˈʃʊɡə] – kristálycukor
vanilla extract [vəˈnɪlə ɪkˈstrækt] – vanília kivonat
to preheat [tu ˌpriːˈhiːt] – előmelegít
parchment paper [ˈpɑːtʃmənt ˈpeɪpə] – pergamenpapír
to beat [tu biːt] – felver
foamy [ˈfəʊmi] – habos
glossy [ˈɡlɒsi] – fényes
firm [fɜːm] – tömör, szilárd
peak [piːk] – csúcs
to spoon [spuːn] – kanalaz
pastry decorating bag [ˈpeɪstri ˈdekəreɪtɪŋ bæɡ] – nyomózsák (pl. tortadíszítéshez)
approximately [əˈprɒksɪmətli] – körülbelül
rounded [ˈraʊndɪd] – kerek
blob [blɒb] – paca
in batches [ɪn ˈbætʃɪz] – adagokban
to deflate [tu dɪˈfleɪt] – petyhüdtté válik
to crisp [tu krɪsp] – ropogós
carefully [ˈkeəfəli] – óvatosan
a bunch of … [ə bʌntʃ əv] – csomó, csoport