Business English TEST – Phrasal verbs

Az üzleti/pénzügyi világban gyakori kifejezéseket kell kiegészíteni a megfelelő szóval. Megoldókulccsal!

1. The clothes manufacturer recently branched ….. into sport’s wear.
A: out
B: off
C: in
D: down
E: for

2. The distributors will probably bump ….. the price of the software when the next version is released.
A: down
B: up
C: in
D: for
E: to

3. The meeting was called ….. due to the director’s illness.
A: down
B: of
C: for
D: in
E: off

4. The factory churns ….. thousands of pairs low cost shoes every day.
A: in
B: out
C: down
D: into
E: off

5. The marketing director has come in ….. a lot of criticism over his unsuccessful marketing campaign.
A: down
B: on
C: for
D: to
E: back

6. Every Christmas thousands of people are drafted ….. to help with the post.
A: on
B: for
C: back
D: in
E: into

7. This is the latest scheeme dreamt ….. by advertising companies to sell new products.
A: on
B: up
C: in
D: off
E: upto

8. The director was drummed ….. of office life when it was discovered that she had been taking bribes.
A: in
B: out
C: off
D: –
E: back

9. Attempts have been made to ease the chairwoman ….. office.
A: out of
B: off
C: on
D: for
E: back of

10. She’s getting ….. a small group to go carol-singing for charity.
A: in
B: down
C: off
D: up
E: over

11. The plan is to hive ….. our daughter companies as soon as they are profitable.
A: off
B: down
C: back
D: into
E: in

12. The brass plate was knocked ….. to Ł130 for Mr Brown. (At an auction)
A: up
B: down
C: back
D: off
E: for

13. I have some material from which I could knock ….. an article if you want me to.
A: up
B: down
C: together
D: off
E: out

14. Just before his death, he had made ….. $100 000 to me.
A: over
B: about
C: upto
D: up to
E: into

15. We could use the new revolutionary material to make ….. better tyres.
A: up for
B: up
C: into
D: back
E: off

16. Low consumer demand has forced them to mark ….. a wide range of goods by as much as 40%.
A: off
B: in
C: up
D: down
E: back

17. Shares in telecommunication companies were marked ….. on the news that one of them had gone bankrupt.
A: down
B: in
C: back
D: up
E: off

18. Mr and Mrs Johnson must be pulling ….. over $1 000 000 a year.
A: down
B: up
C: forward
D: back
E: off

19. Dad put Ł1000 ….. to help her buy a new car.
A: down
B: up
C: off
D: in
E: out

20. After the scandal, he was relieved ….. his post as finance minister.
A: off
B: down
C: out
D: back
E: of

1.A 2.B 3.E 4.B 5.C
6.D 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.D
11.A 12.B 13.AC 14.A 15.B
16.D 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.E