Szókincs TESZT – Gyümölcsök, zöldségek

A leírás alapján találjátok ki, melyik gyümölcsről vagy zöldségről van szó. Szószedettel.

1. Children love this red, soft, sweet fruit.
A: strawberry
B: apple
C: tomato
D: blueberry
E: pear

2. Red or yellow round fruit, growing on trees in Europe. Pick it in the autumn. It is the size of a tennis ball.
A: pear
B: apple
C: raspberry
D: banana
E: lemon

3. Red vegetable from which ketchup is made.
A: potato
B: pepper
C: tomato
D: apple
E: vine

4. Small, round, red fruit with a stone, growing in trees. Famous alcoholic drink can be made from it.
A: plum
B: raspberry
C: redberry
D: cherry
E: apple
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5. Tropical, round, orange fruit with thick peel.
A: lemon
B: ananas
C: mango
D: papaya
E: orange

6. Tropical, yellow, sour fruit with vitamin C.
A: lemon
B: mango
C: orange
D: ananas
E: banana

7. Sweet or hot vegetable or spice growing in shrubs.
A: tomato
B: pepper
C: tabasco
D: papper
E: rapper

8. Green vegetable with big leaves.
A: cabbage
B: carrot
C: lettuce
D: letuse
E: cucumber

9. White, round, hot vegetable, you cry when cutting.
A: carrot
B: mellon
C: garlic
D: onion
E: lemon

10. Sweet, tropical, long, yellow fruit. Monkeys like it.
A: papaya
B: mango
C: lemon
D: ananas
E: banana

strawberry – eper
apple – alma
tomato – paradicsom
blueberry – áfonya
peach – barack
lemon – citrom
pepper – paprika
ananas – ananász
mango – mangó
papaya – papaja
carrot – répa
cabbage – káposzta
garlic – fokhagyma
plum – szilva
cherry – cseresznye

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.E
6.A 7.B 8.AC 9.D 10.E