1. … = a writer for newspapers and magazines
A: journalist
B: newspaperman
C: columnist
D: articalist
E: paperer
2. … = a physician who specialises in psychiatry
A: psychiatrist
B: psycholoist
C: phylosopher
D: phylantropist
E: phylloclade
3. … = a musician who plays the guitar
A: guitarman
B: guitarist
C: guitartist
D: guitarest
E: guitaryst
4. … = an advocate of anarchism
A: monarchist
B: fascist
C: anachromist
D: racist
E: anarchist
5. …= a chronic drinker, someone who is intoxicated
A: alcoholic
B: drunkard
C: alcoholist
D: drunk
E: workoholic
6. … = a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences
A: scenist
B: science-fictionist
C: scientist
D: sciencer
E: sci-fist
7. … = a writer of poems
A: poesist
B: pet
C: poemist
D: priest
E: poet
8. … = a specialist in caring for babies and children
A: boogie-man
B: paediatrist
C: paediatric
D: paediatrician
E: paediatrique
9. … = a scientist who specialises in chemistry
A: chemiman
B: chemique
C: chemist
D: chemic
E: chemiolog
10. … = an elected member of the British Parliament: a member of the House of Commons
B: parlaimentic
C: Member of Parliament
D: parlamentist
E: parliamentarian
11. … = a technical expert who uses technical knowledge to solve practical problems
A: engineering
B: enginer
C: enginist
D: enginere
E: engineer
12. … = a specialist in the theory of education
A: educationalist
B: educationist
C: educationy
D: educationee
E: educationian
13. … = someone who performs ‘magic tricks’ to entertain an audience, one who practises magic or sorcery
A: magician
B: magique
C: mag
D: magic
E: magicus
14. … = someone paid to operate a typewriter
A: typist
B: typwriter
C: typewriter
D: typer
E: typyst
15. … = a musician who plays the saxophone
A: saxophoner
B: saxophonist
C: saxophony
D: saxophonian
E: saxophonyst
16. … = a person who likes the ideology of capitalism
A: capital
B: capitaliste
C: capitaler
D: capitalist
E: capitalee
17. … = a professional person trained in library science and engaged in library services
A: libraryan
B: librari-man
C: librarian
D: librarist
E: library-keeper
18. … = a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comic acts
A: comique
B: comedian
C: comics
D: comic
E: comediant
19. … = a journalist who writes editorials
A: columnist
B: editor
C: editist
D: columner
E: columnant
20. … = a person engaged in commercial or industrial business
A: businessman
B: business-mag
C: business-magician
D: business-guru
E: businessee
journalist – újságíró
psychiatrist – pszichiáter
guitarist – gitáros
anarchist – anarchista
alcoholist – alkoholista
scientist – tudós
poet – költő
paediatrician – gyermekorvos
chemist – kémikus
MP – parlamenti képviselő
engineer – mérnök
educationist – pedagógus
magician – bűvész
typist – gépíró
saxophonist – szaxofonos
capitalist – kapitalista
librarian – könyvtáros
comedian – komikus
columnist – rovatvezető
businessman – üzletember
1.AC 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.ABD
6.C 7.E 8.D 9.C 10.ACE
11.E 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.B
16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A