Yoga – Postures To Help Relieve Back Pain

Ezek az egyszerű jógagyakorlatok segítenek a hátfájás enyhítésében és megelőzésében. Hasznos szöveg videóval és szószedettel.

Yoga – Postures To Help Relieve Back Pain. Back pain is a problem which affects many people, and there are many causes of it ranging from bad posture, to weak abdominal and back muscles. The yoga postures in this film will help to stretch the tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles which can create back pain.

You will need

* yoga mat
* comfortable clothes
* yoga belt
* 2 blankets
* chair or stool
* bare feet

Step 1: Posture 1: Reclining big toe pose
Have the yoga belt within easy reach. Lie on your mat on your back with both your legs raised up and the soles of your feet facing the ceiling. Press up through your heels towards the ceiling and down through your hips into the floor. Lengthen the back of your neck by bringing your chin towards the collar bone. If your neck is uncomfortable then have a folded blanket under your head for support. Bend your right knee and bring your thigh towards your torso.

At the same time place your left foot on the floor. Hug your right thigh towards your chest. Now, place the belt across the sole of your right foot, securely holding the strap in both hands. Straighten the leg as much as you can by pressing the heel towards the ceiling and slide your hands down the belt so that your elbows and upper arms are grounded to the floor. Shoulders should be relaxed and pressed lightly into the floor. Now draw your navel gently downwards and extend your other leg along the ground pressing the left heel forward and the left front thigh into the floor. Hold for 1-3 minutes. make sure to press the right foot into the belt and the left hip down into the floor.

Now if you can, try pulling the raised leg closer towards your head without lifting your left hip off the floor. Hold for a minute.

Reclining big toe pose variation

With your right leg still in the air take the belt with your right hand closer to your foot. Place your left hand on your front right hip and start to move your leg under control out to the right side of your torso. Keep your left thigh grounded into the floor as much as possible. The aim is to get the foot in line with your shoulder and to keep your left hip, thigh and entire leg grounded to the floor. Hold this for a minute or as long as is comfortable for you. Inhale and bring the leg back to vertical. And repeat on the other side.

Step 2: Posture 2: Standing twist
You’ll need to use the wall for the next two exercises. Put the back of a chair up against the wall and stand near the wall facing the side of the chair with your feet together. Put your right foot on the chair and make sure you are steady. Now, put both your hands on the wall and press the palms into the wall. Keep your right thigh parallel to the wall and stand firmly on your left heel. Inhale to lift your chest up, exhale and turn from your navel area and waist until your shoulders are parallel to the wall. Don’t allow your knee to fall towards the wall. Keep it in line with your right hip. Stay in this position for up to a minute and then repeat on the other side.

Step 3: Posture 3: Legs up the wall pose
Remove the chair, place the yoga mat vertical to the wall and position a folded blanket a couple of centimetres away from the wall and the other blanket where your head will be. Sit sideways to the wall on the folded blanket, as close as you can get your hips to it. Lower your upper body down on the floor and at the same time swing both legs up along the wall – in one smooth movement. Adjust the blankets if you need to. Your arms should be extended out away from your sides with your palms facing up. Make sure your shoulder blades are opened and expanded. Lift and lengthen your neck but keep it relaxed. Your legs should be firm with the weight going towards the back of the pelvis. Once comfortable with your position, close your eyes and hold for anywhere between five and 10 minutes.

To come out of the pose, bend your knees and roll gently to the right side.

Remember to breathe in through nose smoothly and gently. If you feel any discomfort or pain you should come out of the poses you are in. You should try to practise these postures as often as possible to help relieve lower back pain. Always, remember to practice with effort, effortlessly.

with the permission of Videojug

to relieve – enyhít
abdominal – hasi
ceiling – plafon
collar bone – kulcscsont
yoga mat – jógaszőnyeg
blanket – takaró, pokróc
torso – felsőtest
to hug – megölel
thigh – comb
sole – talp
navel – köldök
to inhale – belélegez
steady – biztos
sideways – oldalvást
firm – biztos, szilárd
pelvis – medence
effortlessly – erőfeszítés nélkül