Plastic Surgery – dialogue – AUDIÓVAL

Hallgasd meg a következő, plasztikai sebészettel kapcsolatos (nem nehéz) párbeszédet! Az audiót le is töltheted.

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Veronica: Did you hear that Carla is going in for a boob job?
Mike: What? She doesn’t need plastic surgery. Why would she do that?
Veronica: Her boyfriend, Jimmy has been telling her that her boobs are too small. She wants to make them bigger.
Mike: That’s ridiculous! There’s nothing wrong with her breast. How is she paying for it anyway? There’s no way her insurance will cover this kind of unnecessary cosmetic surgery.
Veronica: She’s paying out of her own pocket. She’s been cutting back on a lot of her other expenses for months in order to pay for this.
Mike: I hope she won’t regret it later.