David Zinn is a street artist and illustrator from Ann Arbor, Michigan. After college, he freelanced for a variety of commercial clients, which kept him busy, but kept him inside. One beautiful sunny day, Zinn decided to go outside with the box of chalk a friend bought him as a joke. Liking what he created, he then began drawing all over town, creating what would quickly become well-known sidewalk creatures, like Sluggo the green monster, Phil the flying pig, and Louise the prickly porcupine. Most of his creatures appear on the sidewalks of Michigan, but because of the internet and social media, Zinn and his crazy characters are now known all over the world.
source: CGTN America
video source: David Zinn: Street art that washes away in the rain – BBC News, BBC News
A videó megnézése után próbáld eldönteni, hogy a következő félmondatokat melyik befejezéssel lehet értelmessé tenni a videóban elhangzott információk alapján.
to freelance | szabadúszóként dolgozni |
to decide | eldönteni |
chalk | pasztellkréta |
prickly | tüskés |
porcupine | tarajos sül |
to appear | megjelenik |
drawing | rajzolás |
sidewalks | járdák |
successfully | sikeresen |
to fail to | nem tenni meg valamit/ elmulasztani valami megtételét |
underneath | alatt |
to expect | számítani valamire |
self-doubt | önbizalomhiány |
creative expression | kreatív (ön)kifejezés |
sculpting | szobrászkodás/ faragás |
stacking | halomba rakás |
sheer joy | tiszta élvezet |
to count | számítani |
to cope with | megbirkózni valamivel |
in the meantime, | időközben |
constantly | állandóan |
its way out of this situation |
kiutat ebből a helyzetből |
miserable | szánalmas/ szerencsétlen |
to shut up | elhallgattatni |