Lady Diana és a ruhák – videós feladat a hercegné legikonikusabb ruháiról


A Diana ikonikus ruháiból rendezett kiállítás szervezői mesélnek a ’Szívek Királynőjéről’, aki az öltözködésével fontos üzeneteket tudott átadni.

Háromszor hallgasd meg a videós cikket, és egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat egy-egy kifejezéssel/szóval a cikk alapján. Ha nehéznek bizonyul csak a videós anyag használata, a cikk szövegét is használhatod a harmadik meghallgatás után, segítségként.

1. Diana chose the straight …………….. skirt as part of her going away outfit which made it more sophisticated.

2. With the help of the language of clothes, you can show your feelings and make a real ……………. .

3. For Victor Edelstein, the most important thing should be how wonderful the ………. looks, not how wonderful the dress is.

4. Princess Diana meant to show that she was a working woman rather than a fashion icon so she started to …….. down and from a …………… wardrobe.

5. According to Said Cyrus, Diana worked hard to be recognised as a world-wide ………… person through her …………… work.

6. Paul Heslop decorated their body armor with their logo using a ……… and a ………pen.

7. Diana chose the company of people who had lost ………………instead of the company of …………….. and the president’s wife in Angola.

key/megoldások: 1. pencil; 2. statement; 3. woman; 4. dress, capsule; 5. respected, humanitarian; 6. pillowcase, felt-tip; 7. limbs, ambassadors

David Sasson, Fashion Designer: ‘Having being very disappointed that we didn’t end up making the wedding dress, I thought it was wonderful that we got what was the next best thing – the going away outfit.

When Diana was choosing the outfit in our little studio she noticed a sketch on the wall and she said “Oh I like the mood of that”. And we did some designs for that and we did them with slightly flared skirts but Princess Diana said “Oh no, no – I want a straight pencil skirt

So she had this lovely idea that it was more sophisticated to have a pencil skirt.’

Elizabeth Emanuel, Fashion Designer: ‘I think there is a language of clothes and Diana really got to understand that.

You can make a real statement and show what you’re feeling at the time and we had a certain handwriting and sometimes it wasn’t the handwriting she was looking for she wanted something else, so she started to go to other designers.’

Victor Edelstein, Fashion Designer: ‘I’ve always believed that with clothes that the most important thing is that when you see a woman in a dress, the reaction should be “You look wonderful!” it’s not “What a wonderful dress!”, the first thing is “You look wonderful!”.

Eleri Lynn, Exhibition curator: ‘Following the separation from the Prince of Wales she decided she wanted to be known as a work horse rather than a clothes horse and so she deliberately started to dress down and so Catherine Walker helped create a capsule wardrobe of very simple suits and schiff dresses that the Princess became known for in the 90s.’

Said Cyrus, Co-Founder Catherine Walker & Co.: ‘The Princess of Wales’ work throughout the sixteen years that we knew her changed from being very much an ambassador for the UK to start with towards the end of her life she’d carved out a respected position on the world stage through her humanitarian work and working for various charities.’

Paul McCann, Halo Trust: ‘She put the issue of land mines right at the top of the international agenda.

It had previously been a security issue and she made it a humanitarian issue.

In 1997 Diana visited the minefield in Wambo in Angola

Halo didn’t, at that time, have its logo on any of its body armour, it didn’t quite understand the significance of branding.

Realising a lot of journalists would be coming, Paul Heslop, the programme manager in Angola spent the evening before the visit cutting up a pillowcase and stenciling on in felt-tip pen the Halo logo.

Twenty years later, when we introduce ourselves for the first time the first thing they say is “Oh yes, the Diana picture” or “the Diana body armour”.

She didn’t have dinners with ambassadors, she didn’t meet the president’s wife she met people in clinics who had lost limbs.’

Said Cyrus, Co-Founder Catherine Walker & Co.: ‘Our work, when we were asked, was to provide designs that performed in different ways. We felt that we were giving her the tools to do the job.’

source: ’Diana: Her Fashion Story Reopens’ by Historic Royal Palaces.


to be disappointed

csalódottnak lenni



flared skirts


pencil skirt










to dress down

hétköznapi stílusban öltözni

capsule wardrobe

minimalista ruhatár



to carve out

megalapozni valamit



land mines



programpontok/teendők jegyzéke



body armour






felt-tip pen






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