A gyerekkorunkban megtanult karácsonyi dalok örökre velünk maradnak. Még akkor is, amikor már nem is gondolnánk. A dal egy idős hölgy különös és megható története. Vajon miért nevezték őt úgy, hogy „Karácsonyi ének”?
I first met her in December,
On a snowy winter’s night.
And it didn’t take me long to see
That something wasn’t right.
They called her Christmas Carol,
Said her mind was nearly gone,
But she could still light up the room
When she sang a Christmas song.
Seems no one knows the story
To explain her Christmas cheer.
Why, she keeps the decorations up
All through the year.
And though she long ago
Forgot the names of family and friends,
When it comes to singing Christmas songs,
She’s like a child again.
Sing, oh sing, Christmas Carol,
Sing with all of your might!
Sing Joy to the World,
Sing O Holy Night!
You’re closer now to Jesus
Than you’ve ever been;
Sing, oh sing, Christmas Carol,
Sing your songs to Him.
I’d told my son about her,
So I thought I’d take him by.
And he was so amazed at all
The tinsel and the lights.
She laughed and told her stories
Of her Christmas memories,
But nothing told it better than
When she began to sing.
Last time that I saw her,
She didn’t recognize me.
Her hair was thin and she was frail,
And she couldn’t even speak.
But I could sit down next to her,
Sing her favorite Christmas songs,
And somehow, God only knows how,
She could still sing right along!
Can you answer the questions?
1. Why was the old lady called Christmas Carol?
2. What was the problem with the old lady?
3. What was her house like?
4. What did she forget long ago?
5. What didn’t she forget?
6. What could she still do even if she couldn’t speak?
1. Because she knew a lot of Christmas songs and liked to sing them all year long.
2. She was old and frail and her mind was nearly gone.
3. It was Christmassy. She kept the Christmas decorations up all through the year.
4. The names of family and friends.
5. She didn’t forget her Christmas songs.
6. God only knows how but she could still sing Christmas songs.
it didn't take me long |
nem tartott nekem sokáig, hogy… |
something wasn't right |
valami nem stimmelt, nem volt rendben |
her mind was nearly gone |
szinte egyáltalán nem volt már normális |
Christmas cheer |
karácsonyi öröm |
to keep the decorations up |
nem szedni le/fennhagyni a díszítést |
all through the year |
egész éven át |
when it comes to singing |
amikor az éneklésre kerül sor |
with all of your might |
teljes erődből |
to take sb by |
elvinni valakit magával |
to be amazed |
elámulni valamin |
tinsel |
aranyfüst |
memory |
emlék |
to recognize |
megismerni |
frail |
gyenge, törékeny |
God only knows how |
csak Isten tudja, hogy hogyan |
to sing along |
együtt énekelni valakivel |